just had my mammography results back and it says it “has been reported as an M2. This indicates that there is a benign finding…but the radiologist does not feel that a follow-up is necessary. No further action is required.” That’s the covering letter, the actual report says “some minor changes that do not need any further investigation”
didn’t explain what M2 was, so I looked on wikipedia and discovered this:
In the UK mammograms are scored on a scale from 1-5 (1 = normal, 2 = benign , 3 = indeterminate, 4 = suspicious of malignancy, 5 = malignant).
Also doesn’t say what the minor changes actually are.
In July 2007 I had to have a myomectomy, and before it I had to have 3 Zoladex injections. Then about 4-6 months after I started getting mastalgia on the right side. My GP seemed to think it was due to the zoladex still leaving my system and to let her know if it if did not improve…it hasn’t been too bad, or as frequent
could there be a link here somewhere?
is it worth me trying to get a bit more information as the report is next to useless in that respect?
karen xx
I would probably telephone and see if one of the nurses on this site can explain further and perhaps put your mind at rest.
hi Suzanne
thanks, actually in the meantime one of the nurses from this site rang me back, and said though it was difficult to tell without seeing the films, it could be cyst/calcium/fibroadenoma/ageing, but as it is my first she wasn’t sure how they could say ‘minor changes’ as they nothing to compare to
she suggested I speak to my GP, which I am doing next week, as am seeing her for something else, also to follow up with the hospital to get to explain it properly
karen xx
Never did get an answer from the hospital…the doctor I saw there ‘didn’t write the report’ and ‘didn’t see what was in it’…and she couldn’t understand why I wanted to know, because it’s M2 so ‘why are you worrying about it?’
GP - contradicted herself - told me I wasn’t old enough to have had the screening done (I was 42), then asked me when I had to go back - I said one year was recommended (BUPA guidelines, as I’m outside the NHS Screening Programme) and she said ‘make sure you do’ - mixed messages there, I think
Am due to go anytime - am waiting for BUPA to get back to me with a date
karen xx