Mammos after the five year watershed

I am almost four years since dx now and asked the 12-year old doctor about mammograms when I was at the breast clinic last week. He said five mammos after treatment then back onto the national three-yearly screening programme.

I can’t help feeling that three years is a hell of a long time, I said to him could I have an annual one if I went private, he did not know about this so I guess I will have to ask the GP. Has anyone else had prviate mammos after the NHS ones ended? My Mum had a clear mammo two years ago and was dead from secondary BC less than a year later so that really does influence my thinking.

I would tell him about your mother and your fears, and press for them to let you have a more regular check up. It might be worth getting your BCN involved too - they can be an invaluable advocate when it comes to things like this.

Nymeria x

Hi I have just this week been for my 5 year check and mammo was clear.Re further checks-I was told this.
Last year (year 4 ) she said’in your case (lobular no nodes affected) don’t rely on 3yr checks have one yearly. This year at discharge was told by same person,‘have the routine 3 yearly screening done. No benefit from yearly mammo’- but I can choose to have one more often than 3 years if I want it. Thru nhs cost for this is £50 and they will do it if requested,don’t know private costs.She also pointed out that thru nhs they may see 500,000 mammos per year, a private practice may see say 5000 per year so nhs more experienced at interpreting result also nhs have 2 seperate radiologists to check mammo,I’m told private is only one.Who knows! just have to take our personal best guess i think! good luck


When I was initially diagnosed it was only 10 months after my previous mammogram and they found a 12mm tumour so I understand your concerns and it shows that there can be some benefit from yearly mammograms.

In the USA the medics must also consider it important. People I know there (who haven’t had BC) have an annual mammogram.

Good luck

Anthi x

I heard the lovely news last week that after 5 years of visiting breast clinic I was to be discharged. I asked about future mammograms and was advised that these would continue on a yearly basis, and feel that this will be a security blanket for me untill I reach screening age,(32 at diagnosis.)

When I went for a bone density scan, NHS but performed in a private hospital, there were fliers for the mammography service there saying that they provided a “halfway house” for people discharged from annual mammography, whereby you could have a mammogram and physical examination, with a suggestion that this might be done at 18 months after the last annual one, and 18 months before the next NHS screening one.

hi, i am coming up to my last yearly mammo, i have made the decision to continue on a yearly or 18 month mammo , the costs for this are not too bad, about £100 my daughter works in this field and she supports this entirely and so do her colleauges, they have told me that the extra radiation is so minimal now with digital mammos that it is fine. my NHS hospital do a private clinic on a sat morning or many private clinics offer this too.

Good luck

Thank you all for this information. I have a general appointment anyway with my BCN in the New Year and will see what she says. Just wanted to know what had been other peoples’ experiences. I see the point that going through the NHS and paying might be better because of the experience of those looking at the results. I don’t mind paying. Three years is an awfully long time for another tumour to be growing.

I am 7 yrs post dx, had yearly mammo’s up to five years then 2yrly ones, though I did have one last year due to a concern then when my next appointment came they said I couldn’t have my mammo as I’d had one in the last 6mths…phoned my BCN …consultant intervened and told them reason why I’d had mammo’ and that I was on a plan that had been set up by consultant and I was to have the mammo’…which I did.

Then today I got called for Breast Screening…so that will be another phonecall on Monday…obviously they do not check their records!!!..

I was anxious about going to 2 yrly so def., would not be happy about having to wait 3 yrs…especially after only a few years post dx…I will seriousy be conidering paying for mammo’ when my check ups finish ( fingers crossed I’ll get that far!! )

I am 7 yrs post dx, had yearly mammo’s up to five years then 2yrly ones, though I did have one last year due to a concern then when my next appointment came they said I couldn’t have my mammo as I’d had one in the last 6mths…phoned my BCN …consultant intervened and told them reason why I’d had mammo’ and that I was on a plan that had been set up by consultant and I was to have the mammo’…which I did.

Then today I got called for Breast Screening…so that will be another phonecall on Monday…obviously they do not check their records!!!..

I was anxious about going to 2 yrly so def., would not be happy about having to wait 3 yrs…especially after only a few years post dx…I will seriousy be conidering paying for mammo’ when my check ups finish ( fingers crossed I’ll get that far!! )


I’m coming up to 5 years post Dx and have been having yearly mammograms. Last check-up I was told that I would be discharged from the breast clinic when I got to the 5 year mark, but continue yearly mammograms until 10 years. I don’t know if this is a local policy, or because I am on the Tact2 trial. One of the advantages of this trial I seem to remember, was closer follow up and I can’t see any evidence of this other than the extension of the mammograms.


I’m also coming up to 5 years this autumn. I was told by the Breast Surgeon I had that as I turned 50 in my 5th year I would then pass into the screening programme.

You should be able to have yearly mammograms by accessing them privately. Have you tried ringing your local private hospital? I can’t see them turning down the opportunity for revenue and it would give you peace of mind. Good luck,