I am looking for any experiences and advice with this. I have lost 3 nails so far and others are getting wobbly. The worst is my thumb nail, which was dangling for days then came out a few days ago. I have got a dressing on the top of my thumb which is now soft and tender. How long will it take for a new nail to grow? Will I need to keep it bandaged the whole time? AS other fingernails nails get more wobbly and need taping in place, I can imagine myself going months with multiple fingers bandages up. Is this what happens?
At the moment the only other nails I have lost are toe nails, which is quite easy to manage as I just leave them unbandaged under socks, but other fingernails are obviously going to come out in the next few days and weeks
I would like to hear from other people who have lost finger nails, what it was like, how you managed, and how long it took to regrow.
Thank you very much