Manchester Cupcake Girls get-together

Hope nobody minds this cheeky notice that the Manchester Cupcake Girls will be gathering for lunch & laughs on Monday, the 6th of August, at Manchester Craft Centre - more info on times & venue in the “Secondaries: Meet ups” section of the forum. Just wanted to flag it up here, as I wasn’t sure if everyone looks at that section.

Please do come - we all live in the very “greater Manchester” area and are a fun bunch - PM me if you need more info.

Marilyn xx

Thanks Marilyn - I’ll be there!

If the moderators see this: please can we get rid of all these subdivisions in the secondaries area? As Marilyn said, we don’t all look at the meetings thread but are interested when meetings are arranged. One secondaries section (perhaps with End of Life on its own) would suit our needsmuch better than having to trawl through all the separate sections.

J x