manchester friends?


Quick tip for when you are stiff coming downstairs - sounds daft, but if you turn round and come down backwards, it really is easier!

Best wishes,

dru im round the corner from the hospital on church road

Hi Geewizz,

I’ve been coming down sideways like a crab, but my sister said come down backwards, yes it is much easier. Have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow to see whether it is the Femara or just old age, it feels like arthritis.

Sue, my sister lives in Craig Avenue, small world!

Dru x

isnt it? i shall wave as i go to the swimming pool this morning. ive just come off femara(letrozole) because of the severe side effects. i had my op in dec and rads in jan ive tried arimadex as well and they both have the same SE for me!! as my cancer was tubular(rare) onc has agreed i can come of it after tests for rhumatoid arthritis and a bone scan showed i have not got either yet i walk like a 90 year old!

hi salsasuz

Wherabouts in oldham are you from im from the moorside area ?

hi lucyloo and salsasuzi, i’m in saddleworth ( i started this thread and it didn’t even occur to me that people from oldham might not think they are from manchester!), it would be lovely to meet up at some stage tho having just had first fec a a week last thursday, i am now neutrophenic so avoiding people and infections ( hopefully).

Hi tors and lucyloo
I live in SHAW (High Crompton) :slight_smile: do we feel a ‘club’ in the air? xx

Hi Sue

I too am walking like a 90 year old at the moment. Went to the GP yesterday and had blood tests done, have another appointment next Monday. Both my parents have rheumatoid arthritis and I hope I don’t have the same but it really seems weird that 4 years of Letrozole and now I get the side effects! She did say it could be a virus or something less sinister, I hope so. As I say, I’ve only had this really bad knee pain for about 10 days.

Dru x