manchester friends?

Anybody from around manchester? Just had my first Fec and would like to know if anyone else is undergoing treatment nearby and may like to help each other through a bit?

Hi Tors,
I finished my chemo in december but i had 6 sessions of FEC. I work in the Manchester area but live in lymm. My chemo is still fresh in my mind!!! so feel free to contact me.

Jano xx
Ps: one down means one less to go!

thank you, were you at the christie?

hi im in urmston , no chemo just rads and hormone therapy

I also live in Lymm! I am having chemo at Halton, and have one more Epirubicin then move onto CMF. Feel free to contact me too if you like.

Hi Tors,
Yes i was under at christie, they were fantastic al the way through my treatment.They got back to me if I had questions and they treated me as an individual during my treatment. I had most of my chemo on ward 3.

Sandripples have we met? or are you another of the growing number of people have come across in lymm that are on this merry journey

Jano (Jane)

Hi Jano,

Not sure if we’ve met. RL name is Dinah if that helps. I have met a Jane through this journey but you might not be the same one! She is a nurse.

Hi Dinah,
I thought it might be you!

Hi, I thought it might be you but wasn’t sure from the photo! Waving!
Love D

I’m not quite in Manchester but live south of Knutsford. Have just finished chemo yesterday-yipee, had 3 x FEC, 3 x Tax, which I had at Macclesfield. Will be having rads at Christies in a few weeks.
Would love to keep in touch/meet up with anyone in the area.
Janey x

Hi Janey,
I had my rads at christie as well, again the team were fantastic especially the specialist radiographer. It is a fantastic feeling finishing your chemo!

Good luck with the rads

mmmm there is a whisper about the high number of people from urmston, partington, lymm, carrington and sale with BC. does anyone know what was on the sites near shell, air products and the power station?


I’m in Lymm too! Live here for 13 years, live in Flixton for 17 years.I have treatment at Clatterbridge.


ive been in urmston for 8 years and flixton all my life

I live near Oldham…do I count? lol it is Greater Manchester
Sue xx

mmm something in the name me thinks??? lol

just got back and the onc has told me to stop taking the letrozole because of the severe side effects and as recurrance is negligable anyway he will back me on this

Hi Tippy

I’m in Knutsford, nearly five years since diagnosis and have been on Letrozole for about 4 years. Just this last week or so my knees have been absolutely killing me, I can barely get downstairs (upstairs is better). Would this be a side effect after all these years of being on it? I have had aching joints all the way along but nowhere near as bad as this. It’s great to come back on this site, not been on for ages because not really had any probs.



My sister lives in Urmston, right near Trafford General, or Park Hospital as I know it!

Do you know, I bet we walk past people in the street all the time with the same problems as us lot, but we don’t know it, loads of girls do seem to be from Lymm, Flixton etc.


Hi I Live in Bolton but have had some chemo at the Christie. Currently had x4EC,for x4 Tax to start in a few weeks.Don’t know if thats any good but it’s nice to hear from ladies going through same thing x