Been for mapping today and scan start rads on 18th sep so will be ok for my granddaughters chrisning on the 14th sep so plan to have my hair cut and nails done next week
Hi Tallula just been browsing all round this site its new to me. I had surgery 15th June 2015 and results will be 30th June. I know I have to have 15 sessions of Rads— what is mapping???
Mapping is when they plan your radiotheraphy, they use a ct scanner to take images and put tiny tattoos on you so they can line you up in the correct position each time xx
Hi Amber, our old retriever was called Honey too! How funny ? our cat is pretty chilled out so sure he will be fine with the kitty, they will soon sort out who is the boss! Yes i saw the vicious cats programe, we had one just like it,he was a swine ! Had him put down last year at 14 as he had a kidney tumour,was a relief really as he was peeing all over the house come the end ?
I was told my ER status and Grade of cancer after biopsy,did they not tell you anything? i had a copy of the letter sent to my gp confirming this so i knew from the off i was having Tamoxifen, got a mountain of letters now so will enjoy burning them all one day ! Hope your doing ok and enjoying the sun xx
Blimey 16 days for your results!! I had mine after 13, so bad to make you wait so long,fingers crossed you will get them tomorrow xx