March 2018 Radiotherapy

Brilliant Kaz have a fantastic time. Just what a girl needs!!! ??

Kaz what you are describing sounds very normal. One of the key things is to try not to avoid too much stuff because despite how it feels it actually increases your anxiety. This can be a viscous circle. Be kind to yourself and tell your BCN and ask about counselling. There should be a psychological service you can access. Best to tackle it before you find yourself avoiding seeing people. Tell your manager. If you work in a big organisation there will be an occupational health service who can provide support. We all feel overwhelmed sometimes. I’m a psychotherapist and I’ve certainly felt overwhelmed myself. It’s normal and good that you are telling people how you feel. Warmest wishes and a hug. Liz

Hi kaz just wanted to reassure you about sick notes and work. I’ve been off since November too and my sick note this time is up to the end of June. I have just been signed off by the rads onco but have yet to see the surgeon for a review. I have no intention of returning to work until I get the green light from the surgeon and my gp. I may yet ask for another couple of months just to make sure I’m fully recovered as seem to get tired more quickly now. Please don’t feel guilty for putting yourself first. No one is indespensible and thd most important thing is your health. Take as long as you need. Work should wait!!! Best wishes ??

Hello ladies I’m from the January chemo thread as currently on chemo but looking ahead to my radiotherapy treatment in June as I’d like to book a holiday abroad asap after this. However i wondered how long to leave it ? Any advise ? I’d like to go within a couple of weeks of finishing radiotherapy before school holidays start but wondered how long after the radiotherapy you have had problems that could impact on the holiday. Obviously I’m expecting fatigue but have you had many skin issues.? Or swelling pain or a reasons not to go abroad.sorry the thread seems too long to route through .im convincing myself I’ll be fine but am I blocking out reality of potential problems if I go within 2 weeks was thinking of Italy and may just be too hot. Desperate to get something booked but should I leave it longer? Any advise or experience post radiotherapy please let me know x thanks