March 2024 chemo starters

Congratulations on your last chemotherapy session. Was also my final one today and apart from a 2 hour ordeal to have the picc line removed all good so far. Well apart from the start of the usual side effects but knowing that they’ll be gone in about 10 days makes it bearable.
I’ll be having the remaining 15 herceptin injections every 3 weeks but have been told that side effects are minimal so here’s hoping they’re right!


Well done @chellebelle!

I hope your tastebuds will come back quickly.

I have 4 paclitaxel left I can’t believe I have had chemo for 4 months already also have phesgo every 3 weeks until April. Really hate it. Was told I may have to stop after surgery and have 1 year of Kadcyla by IV. I don’t want another picc line so let’s hope I don’t have to switch to that.

Have a lovely weekend and I assume a good month break for the rest of your treatment.



Thanks both…side effects have started to kick in but hoping in 7-10 days it will improve then have a little break until the next part. I also need a total of 18 cycles of Herceptin and I’ve had 6 so far, then some radiotherapy and Tamoxifen still to come…fingers crossed that will treat me better!

We’ve been invited to a wedding in August. I’m due my last chemo next week. I’ve got a little bit of hair starting to come back but I am pretty much bald. I can wear my wig for about an hour and a half at a time before it’s just too itchy. Does anyone have any headwear ideas suitable for a wedding?

@jools2 I wore a headscarf to a wedding recently and I tend to wear them most days! Depending on what you’re wearing, my dressiest one is from Free People and is almost like a lacy muslin. Others I have are from Oliver Bonas or Mango! Have about 30 head scarves now. The ones from Accessorize are a great material but too big but can easily be cut down and hemmed! The one in this photo is the same size as the Accessorize ones but I didn’t have time to cut and hem it! The ideal size is about 70x70 or 80x80. The 60x60cm works too but I prefer to have a bit more of a top knot. I find they look a bit too cancery when tied at the back but that may be because I always wore my long curly hair in a top knot. Brighton Lace is another website to look at. Avoid satin ones though. They’re sooooo sweaty! I’m finishing chemo on Thursday and my hair has been growing back in and falling out sporadically on Docetaxel. Some hairs are 2cm long. I estimate it will be Xmas before my scalp has sufficient covering to go with a headscarf. X


Thanks swk1981 you look amazing! I’ve not worn any headscarves I’ve mostly worn a newsboy style cotton hat which is very comfy and soft - even though my husband makes train noises at me lol. I’m not confident I could pull off the headscarf look as I’ve a small head - I can wear kids hats!

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Thanks @jools2. I’m small headed too and wear a kids size riding hat at 43 so give it a go. There are some great videos on YouTube. If you’re small headed then the sizes above should suit you! Go thin and soft and cotton or muslin. Because you double it into a triangle for most styles, the thinner the better. My best ones are like Indian sarong material from a hippy shop in Paris! They cost about £3 each and I so wish I had bought 20 more! X


I had my last of 6 chemos last Wednesday :raised_hands: I’m really thankful to be recovering from chemo this time.

But now I’m looking ahead to the radio (2 weeks for me) and tamoxifen - hormone blocker. I guess I’m a bit apprehensive about going through the menopause in a quick blast!

I have treated myself to a silk pillowcase! But not sure if I should have anything else in case of night sweats, hot flushes etc.

Has anyone bought anything to prepare for the potential side effects or are you waiting to see what side effects, if any, you get?

I’ve booked myself into a moving forward seminar by Breast Cancer Now in September - hoping it’ll be helpful.


I’ve booked myself onto the Moving Forward course in August :grin:. I’ve recently finished chemo and am on Day 2/10. I’m already feeling a bit tired and I can see a difference in colour between my shitty titty and my good one! But I’m putting Aveeno on as much as I can to keep it moisturised. I’ve got my prescription for Tamoxifen ready for after Radiotherapy as I was told to not take it till after. 2 days after I finish I’m in London for 3 days for my 40th birthday so I will start the tablets when I get back. Hoping for not too many side effects but at the moment I’m getting tiredness and am feeling sore, I’m still getting bone pain, twitchy eye and runny eyes and drippy nose still. Oh and my right cheek is still numb and I’m still getting a bit of neuropathy in my hand/arm.

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Happy 40th birthday Chellebelle :tada: Enjoy London it’s always fun in London as there’s so much to do! I hope all your side effects improve quickly.

I’m 2 days in to radiotherapy and notice the colour change in one breast to the other. I’m using Aveeno too as my skin is quite sensitive. I am 4 days onto Tamoxifen and it’s warm weather so I’m not sure if it’s that or I am having flushes but coping ok. My tummy is a bit off and I’ve a bit of toothache tonight I’m really hoping that doesn’t come to anything as I’m still using the baby toothbrush as my gums are still sensitive. I can’t imagine having to have dental work done :see_no_evil: