March 2024 chemo starters

Is Ec the same as ac, aka the Red Devil?

Thanks for your kind words and hearing that others have had similar and been ok is good.

Now working on no more infections before session 2.



Hi everyone! Just found this forumā€¦I started chemo on the 19th Marchā€¦I was supposed to have 3 x EC and then 3 x Docetaxel. Annoyingly I had an allergic reaction to the E part of the EC so my oncologist has changed my plan going forward to 5 rounds of TC (so C plus Docetaxol) is anyone else here on TC?

I cold capped and so far no hair loss but am only on day 13ā€¦Has anyone lost their hair who has cold capped? Were there any signs of it falling out before it actually fell out or did you just wake up one day and it came out when brushing etc?

Felt pretty nauseous the first week, taste changed, slightly spaced out etc but feeling much better now so hoping for a good week or so before they knock me down again on the 9th!!

Hope everyone is doing ok!..and Hope side effects etc are minimal. Sending positive vibes your way! X


Iā€™m the same chemo days as you, Iā€™m having the Red Devil. I cold capped and so far no hair loss, I actually feel Iā€™m keeping more than I usually would. Hair feels a bit lifeless though, dry etc. Iā€™m guessing this will be the week we find out if itā€™s working.


Keep me posted! Yes my hair feels quite full!! Guess weā€™ll have to wait and see, my hair is super fine so not sure if it will stand a chance but time will tell!!

Hope youā€™ve been feeling ok and side effects minimal :pray:t2::pray:t2:

Happy Easter! :hatching_chick:


Thank you, not doing too bad side effects wise, but have a raging cold this weekend!! Just as I started to feel completely normal again.
Happy Easter to you too

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Oh no! Oh sorry to hear thatā€¦really hope itā€™s short lived so that you can have a few days of feeling goodā€¦before they knock us down again!!!

How did you feel after the first round? Hope you had relatively mild side effects!


Well bloods done today although I accidentally arrived at my appointment over an hour early lolā€¦chemo brain! Hoping all will be ok for chemo on Friday. Iā€™ve been eating all my favourite foods this week as my sense of taste came back! And today I braved the shave and now feel so naked!!


2nd of 3 ECs yesterday and blood thinning injections seem to be working on clots - tummy covered in bruises but just thankful arm and PICC feeling almost better. Appointment with haematology consultant 1st May to discuss meds - :crossed_fingers:t2:tablets instead - overall feeling good today - no sickness or fatigue yet. Didnā€™t sleep last night - maybe steroids?? - hair started to shed a few days ago no bald patches so hoping cold cap working and itā€™s all over and just thinning - 9 weekly taxels after the 3rd EC - hope everyone is doing ok xx

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Hi Iā€™d my first round of chemo in March. Iā€™m due my second round next week all bloods being well. Iā€™m having 3 on EC and then 3 on D.

My hair loss is fast now shaving it short was the way to go as it was such a mess everywhere. The coldness in the air does make my head tingle though.

I had a real shock this morning. My period started. I wasnā€™t expecting that to happen!! Anyone else still having periods?

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Hi @jools2

Iā€™m still having periods and am on a similar timeline to you with my 2nd EC happening next Thurs (11th). I literally hate my periods and ovulation as I just picture oestrogen galore feeding cancer cells. Crazy!

My head is hurting tonight and super tingly and I can see an increase in the thinning.

My Mum arrives from the US on Saturday and will inject a level of emotion into my life that I could probably do without and I just want my hair to stick around until she goes to London on the 11th to see my brothers. Then I can deal with it privately with my husband and kids who I can just be myself around.

My biggest fear is rubbish bloods on Tuesday. Iā€™m hoping theyā€™ll be good but Iā€™ve been battling a horrid cough for the last week.

I had a Port put in on March 20th and it was constantly irritating my brachial nerve and was excruciating and made sleep very challenging for those first two weeks of chemo. Chemo started the 21st. I had surgery last night under GA to remove the Port and will have a PICC Line put in on Weds to replace the Port. So gutted to have the Port scar but none of the benefits of the Port. Hey ho!

My oncology lead nurse told me that it normally takes 2/3 cycles of chemo before our ovaries go into standby so Iā€™m expecting my next period (due in 10 days) to maybe be the last one.

Am really struggling with my body. Iā€™m super slim after the stress of diagnosis and the chemo nausea but my flat closure is grotesque and I just feel hideous. I couldnā€™t have reconstruction due to needing radiotherapy after chemo and Iā€™m not sure I will want to ever do it as Iā€™m just so done with surgeries right now. I guess it doesnā€™t matter for now but Iā€™m definitely struggling with this week where I feel perfectly well and the intrusive thoughts have come back big time. At least when Iā€™m Chemo wiped, the intrusive thoughts go away.

I hope your chemo goes well next week and sorry for the 3:30am ramble!

Sarah x


So day 18 no hair loss on my head yet, but my lady garden is falling outšŸ«¢!

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I didnā€™t want to read and run, because I donā€™t have the right words but Iā€™m hoping that you get good blood results and your mums visit is easy and joyful, and takes away from your pressures rather than adds to them.

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Really glad to hear Iā€™m not alone.

Swk1981 you sound quite stressed. I really hope you can enjoy your mumā€™s visit. Sheā€™ll be worrying about you too.

Itā€™s hard to keep rolling with the punches. You are strong. You can do this. Find things which help distract your mind, for example at night you could listen to an audio book or two. Allow yourself to get lost in the story. If you donā€™t have any subscriptions register with the library for free and there are free audio books on their Libby app. Or you could find a funny or relaxing podcast. At night worries always seem worse.

In the day try to have some time doing something other than cancer stuff. If you are artistic do something like painting if not try painting by numbers, or do some baking, go for a walk or build furniture from IKEA! Whatever will help you to both distract your mind and give you a sense of achievement. Obviously there are days we canā€™t go anywhere or do much but on the brighter days take advantage of your strength building.

When I was really emotional about my hair falling out by the handful last week I sat down and wrote a list of all the things and people I am thankful for. I found it helped to turn the narrative in my head around.

I really hope today is a good day for you.

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Hi @swk1981

I hope your bloods are ok and you can continue your treatment with problem.

You have been through it with your port, I hope the PICC is more reliable for you. Although itā€™s not without its problems :unamused:

Sorry to hear your Mumā€™s visit could bring up emotions. I didnā€™t have a great relationship with my mum and it got worse when we moved for my husbandā€™s work. She died before my diagnosis. Family relationships are different for everyone. I hope you have a good visit and nothing stirs any of those emotions. You need help and positivity, no stress. Have you and your husband discussed the visit and what you might say or do to prevent those emotions?

Maybe you could talk through your situation with a BCN nurse

  • Helpline: 0808 800 6000 (Mon-Fri 9am-4pm; Sat 9am-1pm). Speak to our trained helpline team. No questions are too big or too small.
  • Ask Our Nurses: You can message our nurses here on the forum, or confidentially. Whatever you prefer.

You sound like you are dealing with a lot, have you considered counselling. When I was having chemotherapy some of the other ladies had counselling with MacMillan.

Take carešŸ„°


@starburst Iā€™m Day 16 and just discovered the same! I was so focussed on my tender scalp that I totally didnā€™t notice that my pubes were committing suicide left, right and centre! I thought that would come much much later.

Am trying to hold onto my hair until Day 21 when all the visitors leave and my Mum goes to see my brothers so that I can shave my head with just kids and husband. Not sure how successful Iā€™ll be at this rate! Hopefully just the pubes for now! :joy:


Hi ladies, Iā€™m on day 18 and got my husband and daughter to shave my head today, could not cope with the continuous hair loss over the last 4 days, hairs on my legs are staying strong :muscle:t3: these are the ones I want to loose,
Not enjoying my new look but sure I will get used to it! And just to reassure you guys who are cold capping I didnā€™t cold cap :heart:hope you are all well, Iā€™ve got blood tests tomorrow and 2nd chemo on Friday :crossed_fingers:
Lots of love to you all xx


Hey @elle16

I bet you look fab! I did mine today too on Day 19! Straight after Oncologist and bloods. It takes some getting used to but the hair was going soooo fast and I was done with being scared of untying it in case it came off like a teapot lid :joy:

Leg hair hanging on here too. Damn it! :joy:

Good luck on Friday!! Iā€™ll, as always, be a day ahead of you, feeling your pain! Letā€™s nail Cycle 2!

Sarah x


Howā€™s it going, are you going to make it to day 21?

I started shedding on day 20. I cold capped again yesterday day 22, but the nurses heart wasnā€™t in it after looking at my hairšŸ˜‚ and also I was late getting chemo waiting for cold cap, so you could tell they wanted to finish up I was the last one there, so only did 45 minutes only afterwards.
I would advise anyway to ring up for an early appt if cold capping.

My hair is shedding like no oneā€™s business, I recon I have a few days left. I can bear to shave and see myself bald! I think I will wear a hat everywhere bed/bath/gym!:tired_face::joy: and get rid of mirrors.


I feel you with the leg hairs v head! Come on universe give us something!!