Marie Curie nurses


I’ve been waiting for 1st October to post this and let’s hope it doesn’t get rubbed out!

Last week I was collared outside my local supermarket by a woman working directly for Marie Curie fund raising. She gave me some interesting facts about them that I didn’t know already.

  1. They don’t just look after cancer patients, they look after anyone with a terminal diagnosis.
  2. 1 in 3, or was it 1 in 2, people will end up with a terminal diagnosis of some sort.
  3. Right now, the government is matching 49% of donations - that is huge!
  4. If you want a Marie Curie nurse you should go to your GP and specifically request one because if you say you just “need someone, need help or are vague” then they are not allowed to recommend any particular charitable organistion in case they are seen to discriminate and so you could end up with a district nurse or someone else, you must specify if you want Marie Curie.
  5. Once someone is allocated/assigned they will be with you through to the end if that is what you wish.

I signed up to donate regularly and Gift Aid it so they get extra 28p PLUS 49p from the government, not bad.

I also said I’d do one of their charity bike rides - oh help! I’ll be back for some sponsorship in several months time. Meantime I’d better get fit.

Hope this has sparked some interest in Marie Curie.

Hi Dahlia

Marie Curie nurses are great. When my dad had terminal lung cancer two years ago they looked after him for a short time. Unfortunately he died before we had many visits from them but nothing was too much trouble.

It gave my mum a break and allowed him to stay at home for his last weeks.


They helped with a friend’s dad when he was dying with stomach cancer a few years ago and were there during the night when he passed away. It was a great help and comfort to her and her mother.

My brother’s partner was recently diagnosed with the early stages of lung cancer and she has been assigned 2 MacMillan nurses while she undergoes her treatment. My brother says they are great, really clued up on everything and he feels they are taking some of the stress away from him.

I organised a coffee morning at my work last week for the macmillan nurses, have seen them at work for my grand parents, dad and help with young kids from a lady I met from this site who sadly died earlier this year, they offer so much more than just direct medical care.

Good luck with our bike ride, keep thinking I should do something, made my kids and husband climb ben nevis while camping in scotland this year but have always had a life time ambition to run a marathon, really feel I should sart looking into.


Marie Curie nurses are absolutely brilliant.

Two years ago when my elderly Dad was terminally ill with cancer we were at our wits end trying to cope. MacMillan nurses never came, they were always short-staffed and I resorted to googling for help. I came across Marie Curie (who I’d never heard of before)and asked the district nurse to arrange.

They stayed all night every night, allowing us some sleep. They were so caring and sat talking to my Dad about cricket, football etc.

Can’t praise them enough.


We had a Marie Curie nurse who looked after my dad at night for the last 2 days of his life (terminal lung cancer). That was in 1980. It was such a comfort to all of us to know my dad was getting knowledgeable care (ours was loving but inexpert), and that it helped us to cope with the caring and gave us some respite ourselves. They are a fantastic organisation, and often seem to be in the shadows of the network of care and support available for cancer patients - I suppose because nobody likes to dwell on their terminal care role.

Hope you get on well with getting fit for that bike ride, Dahlia!