Married 5 years!

Well done to both of you - marriage is tough enough without this kind of stress, but in some ways it makes it much more ‘real’ doesn’t it. I know exactly what you mean about the ‘friends’ - it’s good to know the warmth of mates who’ve truly been there with you.

I hope you have a good time at Longleat and I hope you get out alive too! Or get out at all - if you decide to go in the maze!

Take care mate and have a good one!

much love x

Congratulations, Debs and Ian. Hope you have had a great time in Newcastle and enjoy Longleat - not quite France but then hopefuly that treat is still to come.

Lots of love Kay xx


Ian and I would like to thank you all for your best wishes, we had a lovely time we got back late last night and rode the sunset from Bristol to Cornwall it was awesome.
I am a bit of a hippy and try most mornings to greet the sunrise and we get a fab view from our lounge window also of the sunset. We picked this house partly due to the natural light and bit of sea view.
We had a really nice weekend now back home to reality.
Hope everyone is doing o.k.
Love Debsxxx

Hi Debs - I’m a bit late but many congratulations! Glad you had a good break and wishing you well for the next lot of stuff! Jaynex

Congrats debs :slight_smile: :slight_smile: im gettin wed in 3 weeks ! cant wait and hope that i will too be celebrating our 5th wedding anniversary! :-)xx

Congratulations debs, I have been off the forums for a few days organising a party for my son’s 18th, another milestone for me. It will be my silver wedding next year and a landmark birthday so I am determined to get there!
I couldn’t do all this without my husband either, he is my support throughout the whole awful business. Hope you had a great weekend and can look forward to france
love Kathryn

Thanks Kathryn and Zippy,
enjoy your special moments with loved ones. I am pretty determined to have a few more even though this b.stard disease may have other ideas.
Love Debsxxx

I changed my picture to share that magical moment five years ago with you all.

Hi Debs,
Just seen this thread and wanted to add my Congratulations to you and Ian and hoping you have many more to come.
What a beautiful photo! I really hope you are feeling better soon.
Much love,
Anne xx

Fabulous photo Debs!! Many congratulations on your five-year anniversary and I join with the others in wishing you many more and hope that you’re feeling a lot better soon. Enjoy Longleat but watch out for the monkeys ripping bits off your car!!

Take care
Lesley xx

Fantastic news debs my best wishes to you and Ian. i dont post bery often but have followed your story…So glad to hear you have reached this wonderful anniversary, have a glass of champagne on me!

wisps x