Married 5 years!

Well today is our wedding anniversary, we have made the 5 year mark.
When we got married it was just after secondary diagnosis and never in our wildest dreams did we think we would reach today. We are so grateful and happy to have made it against all the odds. This sh.t disease steels so much from us, it is easy to forget the things we do actually gain.
I never expected Ian to be such a saint, I had already had two marriages, one failed no ones fault we were too young and selfish, the second sadly ended in the premature death due to cancer. Both marriages gave the gift of motherhood. Ian and I have had some really heartbreaking times in the last five years due to this illness. But we have laughed more than cried, still able to go out with friends. We now know true friendships with a few rather than lots of fair weather friends.
Apparently five years is wood, I have been called stubborn as a plank more than once!
We are away at the moment not France as planned but Newcastle. My youngest daughter has given us tickets for Longleat so we will be doing that once my chemo kicks these new uggers that have invaded my body yet again.
Hope everyone has had a good weekend, we have really enjoyed ours.
Love Debsxxx

Congrats Debs,

Your post has touched me.I wish you 5 more blessed years.

julie x

Hi Debs

Many congratulations to you on your five year anniversary.

Hope you are having a brilliant time in Newcastle and the weather is OK.

Take care, love Trixie x

Congratulations Debs: to you and Ian.

Jane x

Here’s to you and Ian! I feel like making some d**n noise in celebration! Woo hoo, she said, very LOUDLY! And downed her wine…


Hi Debs

Congratulations, glad to hear you’ve had a lovely anniversary in Newcastle. I am originally from West London but I live about 1 hours drive south of Newcastle but love being amongst the geordies for their friendliness and great sense of humour. It’s a ‘canny’ drive from Cornwall though so I hope you’re not too tired.

Wishing you many more anniversaries, wherever they may be.


Hi Debs, Fantastic news on your 5 years and may you have many more. Love Lesley xx

Congrats Debs - and heres to the next 5years bringing you bags of laughter together -

fingers crossed that chemo kicks the a-s of the uggers and you get back to living the dream very soon

maria xx

Congrats Debs and Ian - and here’s to many more anniversaries. Hope you enjoy your break and are feeling well.
Nicky xx

Congratulations to you both! have followed your posts since having to come on here myself! hope you both had a fab weekend and heres to many more years, love Debs xxx

Hi Debs, a bit belated but here’s my congratulations to you and Ian. From what I’ve seen on your posts you have a very supportive husband and a marriage for which a celebration is in order! I realise it is a bittersweet time in many ways but… may there be more “sweet” than “bitter” (unless either of you enjoys beer :slight_smile: ) in your future together.
Hope the sun shines/shone on you in Newcastle!

Congratulations to you and Ian. As somebody whose only been married a year, your 5 gives me hope.
have a wonderful time in Newcastle, but stay away from the Bigg Market!.

Hi Debs

Many, many congratulations!! Five years is indeed a wonderful achievement given this c**ppy disease.

I live in Gateshead and I’m wondering as I write this if you’re still in Newcastle. I’m not from here originally but it really is a wonderful part of the country (although so is Cornwall), if a little bit colder than elsewhere most of the time!

Hope you have/had a wonderful celebration and here’s wishing you many more anniversaries.

Love, Alison x

Congratulations xx

BIG congrats Debs, and thank you for your supportive comments last week on the forum. 5 years is great news, YIPPEE.


Congratulations to both of you, wishing you many more to come.

Take Care

Leslee x

Hugs to you and Ian
loads of love

Congratulations to you and Ian. And 5 years is a wonderful achievement and great news for so many of us to read.

Hope you have a lovely break and heres to lots more years for you both together.

Love and hugs

Many congratulations to you both. You’ll have given lots of people reading hope for the future. I’m glad you’ve had a lovely weekend and hope you’re well enough to enjoy Longleat soon.

Kathryn xx

Congratulations Debs and here’s hoping you have many more to come.
