This could possibly be the relief and psychological but has anyone feel better, very quickly after surgery? I also had two Lymph’s taken for biopsy too last Thursday 13th September. Since yesterday I’ve felt like a different person. Obviously I’m very sore still and have one remaining drain in, even so I feel such an improvement!
I’ve been reading up and there are quite a lot of people, who felt chronic fatigue up to a year before BC diagnosis. I suffer with my mental health but had never been depressed for more than a year. Normally with help and support the worst I’ve been constantly depressed for was 3 months. I put all the fatigue symptoms down to depression. I had what I thought was flu in April but no-one else around me was ill.
I’d lowered my mental health medication, as one of he side affects makes you drowsy. I also had taken up running to try and make myself better. I managed to get from couch to 5k. I couldn’t understand why I wasn’t feeling the benefit, I was losing weight. But my mood always improves,
along with my energetic levels, when I get my fitness levels up. I was running reasonable times as well, for a beginner.
The worst thing was, it was causing animosity and frustration between myself and my partner. I didn’t want to do anything and was going to bed all the time. I was feeling under the weather all the times
He felt I wasn’t trying to get better.
My sister is a GP and she’s staying with me
at the moment. I asked her is this my imagination or could it be, removing the cancer has made such a difference already. She said that it is certainly a strong possibility combined with relief, psychological relief etc.
Just wondered had anyone else experienced this? I’m hoping this bodes well for my biopsy results.
Take care everyone xxx Alex xx