Masectomy Bra's

I have posted on behalf of new user Fiona
Kind regards

Hi. My mum was diagnosed with breast cancer late last year and has had a mastectomy and currently going through chemo. She finds it very had to talk about it and is finding it very hard to find somewhere to get some good, pretty mastectomy bras from. We have tried M&S but I was wondering if anyone can help us with any shops in GLASGOW which sell them.


I found great bras in Primark
full cups no underwires and slight padding



Will echo the comment about Primark. Asda have just launched a post op bra with a pocket in. It is basic but not pricey.


Posted on behalf of Fiona
Kind regards

Thanks crispy and ails38, will let my mum know



Hi Fiona

I am writing to let you know that we do offer prosthesis and bra fitting service at the Breast Cancer Care Scottish Centre, just phone for an appointment on 0141 221 2244. Your Mum may also find Breast Cancer Care’s publication, ‘A confident choice’ helpful to read. It contains information about buying bras and clothing following breast surgery and has a list of specialist bra companies at the back, here’s the link:

Hope this helps.

Best wishes

For cheap every day plain bras I hear that Asda do them for about £6.