Masectomy, Day case?

Hello Ladies,

just wanted to ask, after my chemo finishes im due to have a Rt mx, my surgeon told me this will be a daycase… i asked about drains but he said he does not use them, he done my WLE & SNB, i have full confidence with him and trust him completely, i know surgery today is far more advanced but im alittle worried a operation like this is classed as a daycase,
im having my chemo privatly and my family want me to have my surgery there too and i can if i want. unfortunatly my surgeon does not work in the private sector, and as i said i fully trust him

Can anyone throw any light on this?

thankyou so much


Hi Donna P.

I had a full mastectomy as a day case last October after an unsuccessful lumpectomy 4 weeks previously.
My surgeon didn’t beleive in drains either and I was most surprised that the wound was glued together and not stitched which at least meant I didn’t have to have any stitches taken out.
I was admitted at 7.45am and was discharged 12 hours later.
I had no problems and was delighted to get back home in time to watch Corrie!
Hope this helps.

I had a left mx in Jan this yr. I was supposed to stay one night but as I didn’t want morphine so I went home the same day 12 hrs later. My wound was stitched inside and glued outside. I had a drain, and they showed me how to empty the bottle. They phoned me the next day went the day after back to hospital for a check up with the bn, then 5 days after op I had it removed at clinic, it didn’t hurt. I was so pleased to come home, for me it was ideal. I found I had very little pain. Good luck
Love Ruth x

oh thankyou ladies, that did help.
forgot to say im having a full node clearence too


Had 8 removed as well x

I wish I could have done that - the ward I was in was an absolute hell-hole and as I was next to a woman who snored all night I didn’t get a wink of sleep.

Thankyou again,

Im to have 4 weeks of rads, have you have that too?


I stayed overnight after my mx and anc - but I wish I’d gone home that night instead - didn’t get a wink of sleep until about five am, then woken up at 6am by a nurse asking if I wanted a cup of tea…ugggh! Was then discharged at 9.30am, so might as well have gone home the night before - didn’t see a doc or anything the next day anyhow.

I had a drain in, but have met other women who had no drain, and did perfectly fine - it does seem that more and more surgeons try to avoid them, on the basis that the lymph has to figure out a different route at some point, so may as well start straightaway!

Good luck - just take it easy when you get home - the anaesthetic can leave you wobbly and a little weak for a few days. xxx

Hi Donna, think I have a similar plan to you. Right Mx and full node clearance after chemo then rads after that.
Onc said Mx will happen 3 to 6 weeks after last chemo, not sure how long I will be in for (first surgery I was in 2 nights). Am hoping I will also be given reduction on the left side at the same time as Mx as I don’t think I can cope with a G Cup and a No cup. :frowning:

Hello ladies. I had left mx late on thursday and came home the following lunchtime. No drains or pain relief though not in pain just sore and very very bruised and swollen though this seems a little better to-day. Mine also glued. I was glad to just get home I think at least at home you can do as you want i.e rest when you need get a cuppa ect. Best wishes to you all and hoping you are having a good day.
Duckess xx

HI there, I stayed in two nights, hospital was lovely, other women on the ward lovely but I was also delighted to get home…had tried to get home earlier and fainted in hosp corridor…hmmm should have checked that haemoglobin sooner!
whatever suits you is my thought, clearly day case is poss if they do you in the morning but also its good to know you can stay over if you need to, at least for one night, bw Nicola

Thank you ladies for you lovely replied,

Lisa. how far with chemo are you? im having 6 fec had 3, 4th next week,
its reasuring to hear others have been a day case, i also need rads after operation, i know my onc, personally and he said if i was his sister he would want to throw all possible treatment, i only had one node which was shown to be micromet, which made my surgeon think that maybe rads would not be needed, bit im being guided by my onc,

love and hugs


Bumped up for Niki x

and again

Hi Donna,

Sorry for the late reply just found this thread again. I had my first tax yesterday. Due to finish chemo mid June so I think it will be July sometime that I have my Mx. Have not been referred back to surgeon yet but I suppose that will come nearer the end of chemo.

take care,
