Masectomy & implant reconstruction

Due to have surgery on 7th, wondered if anyone on here has been through either the same or similar, masectomy & implant reconstruction? 

Off for my covid test tomorrow and then all in isolation untill morning of surgery. 

Need to sort my bag have been putting things in a pile making a start, as having reconstruction have said i prob be one of last to  go down for surgery so will be along day Fri. 


@mel1989  - I had a mastectomy plus implant reconstruction about 4.5 years ago. I’m very happy to answer any questions if I can, both now or after the operation.

I wish you all the very best for the operation and the quickest possible recovery - and of course I hope your Covid test is negative so you can go ahead and get it over with. Sending hugs too, Evie xx


@mel1989  I had a bilateral mastectomy with immediate implant recon last January, and like Evie, I’m happy to answer any questions you have.

For me, the op itself wasn’t too bad at all, but I’d already had a lumpectomy and reduction (I was ‘too large’ for implants at my original size) the previous year to compare it to. The main difference was needing drains, but they weren’t as bad as I feared - just a bit awkward to carry around, although they did give me cotton bags that went over the shoulders. I’d said I’d rather stay in hospital while the drains were needed, so I was in for 4 nights. Do be prepared to have to sleep on your back for quite a while afterwards.

I’m happy with the resulting look, especially dressed - my best mate has joked she won’t stand next to me in photos any more with my new perky look! It did take me a while to get used to how the implants aren’t, well, firm round globes? They are only mostly-full of liquid, and that does move about as I do, so lying down sees things shift a bit. It doesn’t hurt at all but I found this very weird to see for a while. I was offered lipofilling to help improve the overall look, so that might also be something you can consider down the line (mine was 9 month later), which has the added benefit of a little free liposuction from e.g. tummy or thighs

Very best of luck with the op, and do reach out if/when you need to xx


Hi Mel

Wishing you the best for the surgery and hope all goes well. I will be going in for the same in a couple of weeks mx plus implant.

keep us posted as to how you get on 

Take care xxx 



Hi ,

I went in for a mastectomy plus implant recon, and full lymph node removal 2 weeks ago. I had 2 drains in also ( which are now removed ) , and now just recovering . How are you holding up ? Any questions please ask

nickey xx


Hi @nickeyg123 and @bookish. My daughter is due a bilateral mastectomy with implants, and full lymph node removal on one side, very soon. Can I ask how you both are please? And, if you have any lasting issues. She is young with a toddler son and we just want her to feel ‘normal’ again. Even though mentally that will be a longer journey. Thank you.

Hi @mel1989 I had my mastectomy and silicone reconstruction at the same time in June this year. The surgery was all good and pretty much pain free. Be prepared for discomfort in your boob as you go. I still have some and it’s all down to nerve endings knitting, skin softening and stretching over the months. You might get a feeling of what can best be described as a bra wire digging in, in the centre of your chest. All very, very normal.
You might find it best to sleep in a post surgery front fastening bra for a while and of course on your back. I’m still sleeping on my back 12 weeks later but at the moment my new boob is happiest this way.
You won’t need much in your bag to take with you - other than good reading material whilst you wait. Oh and you may have a drainage bag for a week/10 days after but they give you a nice tote bag to carry it around in so no one would know if you don’t tell them. Anything else you want to know before or immediately after then please shout. Here for you xxx

Hi @usuallyhappyme I had my mastectomy and recon in June then full lymph node removal in July. Recovery is not bad - I hated the drainage bags but they weren’t around for long. The only thing I will say is that you are not allowed to do any heavy lifting on the side of the lymph node removal so lifting her toddler needs to be thought out - but the breast care nurse should sort out a plan. I felt really well throughout, and as she’s young she should be fine. Sending love. xxx

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Thank you @irenko I really appreciate your response. Our heads are all over the place atm. We’ll all be there to support her and take over all the lifting (including her exremely active little man). I only hope once she has passed the first couple of months her life can return to some form or normal. Whatever that is!

I hope you are well too and are fully recovered now.

I’m sure that you are worrying yet trying to stay brave for your girl. Together you will all get through it - the only way for me was to get my head into fighting mode but I know that isn’t always easy, She will come through this as will you. Sending lots of strength and love xxx

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Thank you @irenko. It means a lot to have you and others supporting what is a very hard journey. One day we we’ll be there to help others too I hope. Best wishes xx

Hi @usuallyhappyme. Pleased to report that I’m doing well, no regrets whatsoever about the immediate reconstruction with implants (or the bilateral mastectomy, other than the need for it at all, if you know what I mean!). It took a little while for them to settle into ‘normal’, but now they very much are just ‘me’. There was some early ‘rippling’ (where the implant looks a bit weird under a thin amount of skin), but that’s gone after just one lipofill session and time. Also pleased to report that I’ve regained some if not all sensation, after losing a lot of it in the early days.

Sending good thoughts to your daughter. Cancer sucks, but this surgery is manageable and life will go back to normal. Just get her to take it easy on herself for as long as she needs.


Thanks @bookish it’s really good to hear this. My daughter has her surgery next week. So she is feeling rather anxious about it all. I reckon she just needs it over and done with, then she can begin to rebuild her life and get back the time she has missed with her little boy. I pray she won’t get infections and can simply get through recovery without any of the ‘stuff’ that blighted her journey through chemo.

I hope you continue to enjoy your life and new ‘boobs’. You sound like an upbeat kind of girl. Keep smiling :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi @usuallyhappyme how long did it take for your reconstruction to settle into “normal”. I’m 6 months in and it still feels “weird”. As for the lipofill - how is that done? Surgical procedure or just in clinic as I have a bit of rippling. xxx

Hi @irenko. My daughter only had her surgery 5 weeks ago. I think @bookish will be the lovely lady you need to ask re the lipofill. Although I’m sure my daughter may also need this information in the future too. Best of luck and I hope everything improves for you very soon.

Ah yes! Apologies for the mistake. I hope your daughter is doing well after her surgery x

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Hi @bookish how long did it take for your reconstruction to settle into “normal”. I’m 6 months in and it still feels “weird”. As for the lipofill - how is that done? Surgical procedure or just in clinic as I have a bit of rippling. xxx

Hi All! Im linking in on this thread, as I had mastectomy and reconstruction on left side 2 weeks ago, and still recovering. The first week was managae but it seems like now the pain is settling in more. How long did it take for pain to ease? And what did you take to manage the pain?

Any advice on the recovery journey is appeciated. Like you both ill probably need the lipo in my reconstruction at some point x

Hi @shesthebeat the left side seems to be common doesn’t it. I’m 6 months in and was doing well but had a setback last month due to an infection. The pain does subside fairly quickly but I still get aches rather than pains and quite a lot of us describe getting a feeling that feels like the wire from a bra sticking in to you. It’s all very normal it seems and takes a while for everything to ‘bed in’. Just keep doing the exercises which help to keep things moving. xxxxx

Hi @irenko

I’m not entirely sure how long it took - it was gradual, until one day I couldn’t remember when it hadn’t felt normal. 6 months still seems early days, though, so - like a scar - just give it time.

Lipofilling was surgical, yes. I got to pick my target site - although I read somewhere that belly fat isn’t the best choice, so I went for thighs - and you get a light amount of liposuction at the same time. Oh, and glorious bruising! I only had one lipofill, but I understand sometimes people need a couple (‘a bit’ of ripping you’d probably not, mine was a little more severe).

Wishing you all the best in the journey - you’re past the worst of it!

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