Masectomy nerves

Hi everybody,

I am having my mastectomy on Monday and feeling very nervous. Has anybody got any good tips to stay calm? It is so difficult and I need all the help I can get please. So so frightened of the 2 weeks wait.

I don’t have any particlular tips to stay calm as such , but I had a mastectomy with immediate reconstruction  on May 10 this year following diagnosis on April 28. All I can say is take each day at a time , you will be well looked after by the medical staff , and you will get through it . I had drains in for ten days which seemed unbearable at the time but now it’s a distant memory and I’m back in work feeling very positive about things . I read all of the sections in this website which was really helpful, especially about  what to take in to hospital with you . I am happy to answer any questions you have . Good luck , keep calm , you will get through this x 

Yes it is the mesh one . I don’t know about doing it afterwards - I don’t see why not - are you sure you can’t have it done at the same time ? I only decided on which op to have the day before my surgery - I think it adds about an hour or two to your operation on Monday - but will save you another operation in the future and all of the associated pain , recovery time and trauma . it might be worth talking to your nurse / surgeon and they might be able to do it all in one - good luck whatever you decide xx

Thankyou for your message. I need positive thoughts thankyou. I will ask for the pathology report, didn’t think of it, thanks. X

Best wishes for today Nettie- thinking of you x