Massage Went for Indian Head Massage Yesterday Found It Very Relaxing Would Advise Everone To Have One. (booked another for next week)
Bowen I had some Bowen therapy today. Very odd, but it’s supposed to help the body heal itself. I went to try to ease my still distended abdomen, which continues to baffle medical science!
I’ ll let you know if it works!
I’m also starting a 6 week trial course at THe Haven, called Mindfullness Based Stress Reduction. (My husband says I’ve gone over to the Dark side with these alternative therapies!!!)
x Helen
Bowen therapy I had some Bowen therapy today. Very odd, but it’s supposed to help the body heal itself. I went to try to ease my still distended abdomen, which continues to baffle medical science!
I’ ll let you know if it works!
I’m also starting a 6 week trial course at THe Haven, called Mindfullness Based Stress Reduction. (My husband says I’ve gone over to the Dark side with these alternative therapies!!!)
x Helen
oops Sorry, have posted wrongly twice! Will try gain.
Don’t you love these therapies!
Acupuncture with Chemo I am due to start 6 cyclesof FEC chemo next week and asked my consultant about the benefits of acupuncture to relieve nausea and tiredness. My concern is that they will be pumping so many chemicals in me in the near future, I would like to try and minimise the use of other stronger tablets or additional drugs. More importantly, I am convinced as to the benefits of acupuncture that I feel I would like to utilise this complementary therapy. The response was that it wasn’t advisable given that I will be at higher risk of infection during the treatment and that although they know the needles are sterile, they do not recommend it. I was amazed at this response. Does anyone have any thoughts on this or any positive reports about acupuncture.
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acupuncture Hi, I’ve replied on your other acupuncture post. I would say that looking at diet and supplements is a good idea, to assist helping your body cope with all the chemicals.
Massage I have been told that people who have had cancer should not have massage.
Any truth in that?
Massage Hi Mitch
I go to the hospital for my head massage she is fully trained in Breast Cancer. As long as you let them know of your medical conditions you should be o.k
They are very good and help you to relax.
Janet xx
Massage is good for you My onocology consultant expressly and expressively dismissed the “no massage” notion, which he said was based on the unscientific belief that massage would somehow mysteriously send cancer cells winging round the body. Provided the masseur avoids manipulating an obvious tumour, it can only be beneficial.
I had a wonderful and quite vigorous massage only today at the cancer care centre where I go. Can’t wait for another session.
Enjoy !! Hi Jpoet
Glad you enjoyed your massage and long as they make you feel good I see no harm… Enjoy !!
Janet xx
massage During my training in Swedish Massage and Aromatherapy we were told not to massage anyone undergoing treatment for or dx’d with cancer (particularly if it may affect the lymph glands). The reason being that massage stimulates circulation (which is a fact) and in doing so makes the lymph glands work harder, which in not necessarily a good thing if there is a chance they are involved. Also need to be very careful with aromatherapy oils as many stimulate the circulatory system.
Personally I would not want to have anything more than a hand massage as I would rather not risk it, having seen the dramatic way it can affect some people. But each to their own and its a personal decision.
massage hi im an aromatherapist and i give massages to cancer patients quite often and now that i myself am one of the many ,am going to have a massage myself as long as the massage does not go near the site of the tumor the benafits and relaxation it provides far outways any risks all aromatherapists are trained on all aspects and do not risk their clients health in anyway ,so i would say go ahead , and if it helps you to relax and to cope it will do you good . hope all are well and coping , much love lynn xxx
How long after? Thanks for all your replies.
What I would like to know, is whom we are talking about.
By saying those dx’d with breast cancer can or cannot have massage, do you mean those dx’d recently, or for the rest of their lives? I know a woman who had breast cancer 10 years ago, and she has been told she cannot have massage due to having had breast cancer.
Surely any risk has now passed?
This is so much rubbish This really has to be so much rubbish! Cancer care centres (which operate under medical supervision - my own centre, a charitable foundation, operates under some of the most eminent cancer specialists in the country) offer massage including aromatherapy, Indian head massage (also given at my top rank hospital in London) and really rather vigorous workovers, as I have recently had - and I have advanced metastatic disease.
wonderful acupuncture Yes, yes yes. As you can see I am having acupuncture during chemotherapy and have had great results. Boosts my immune system, corrects imbalances and give me a wonderful sense of well being. He uses disposable needles, is highly trained and is used to treating cancer patients. I talked to him about this fear of infection and he said the needle hole is so small that it is almost negligable. I’m more worried about chewing my cuticles and the risk of infection associated there!
Let’s all have massage and acupuncture. It’s so beneficial to physical and emotional well being.
Jenny XX