Mastecomy/recon & SNB in a week - emotional but feel I'm making a fuss - anyone had similar?

Hi all

I have my surgery on 3rd September - just over a week to go.  I have read everything I can and I’ve prepared as much as I can, and I’m getting all my affairs in order so my Aspergers partner and Autistic daughter can cope with my surgery and recovery…

But how am I going to feel?  I just don’t know how I will feel right after surgery.  Nauseous, sore, scared, emotional?  I know we’re all different, but how did anyone else feel? BC nurses keep saying just to “Be kind” to myself and to not expect too much but also not to anticipate being in lots of pain and incapacitated.  Some days I feel like I’m just making a fuss about nothing!  

I’m not “ill”, and hopefully this will be all the treatment I need to ensure that I don’t get ill.  And is losing a breast really such a big deal?

I’m a really active person and keep worrying about how I will get back to my exercise regime.  Is that selfish?

I am just feeling conflicted



i had a mastectomy & lymph node removal on 13th August. I felt remarkably well afterwards. I stayed overnight in hospital, which I would advise. It was a bit of a shock to see myself for the first time, there wasn’t a dressing on the wound and it really was flat! That being said, I was just glad it had gone and I didn’t feel emotional. You will have drains to contend with but I had these in the little shoulder bag that I received & managed to sleep ok with the bag in bed. I did take it easy & the drains were removed after 5 days. I went out for tea after a week, and enjoyed a night out with friends last night, enjoying a couple of G&T’s. Two weeks on I’m not taking any painkillers, but my arm feels sore, I think it is the healing process & the exercises do make you feel like you have pushed yourself. I think I will be ambidextrous by the end of it as I am using my left arm a lot more. Like you, I don’t feel Ill necessarily, and want to make the most of this time before chemo starts. I found it hard letting others take over, as I have been the ‘doer’ at home, but I think you have to let people do for you, and enjoy the time you actually do get to put your feet up. I bought a couple of zip up crop tops from Sainsbury’s which are easy to get on & slightly padded. I haven’t worn the prosthetic, and don’t feel self conscious at all.  I get to find out if it may have spread tomorrow via a telephone appointment. Good luck with the operation xx



I think you’re allowed to make a fuss, quite frankly! This is a horrible scary thing to be going through for whatever reason. I have mine booked for the 9th, but I’ve had a couple of lumpectomies and lymph node biopsies in the past. I was terrified of not being able to use my arms at all for a while after those, but I wasn’t too bad - just had to be careful, and avoid doing ‘bigger’ things for a while like ironing, what a shame

I’m finding the not knowing really stressful, too, but I think they can’t tell you because everyone is different. When you wake up you shouldn’t be in pain, at least, and they will give you extra painkillers if you’re not comfortable. I’ve been badly nauseous with the general anaesthetic before, and then fine on other times, but they’ll give you anti-sickness tablets that work wonders.

Being active will work in your favour, and focusing on being healthy is no bad thing so no, not selfish! You’ll be able to start walking about really soon, just take it easy, listen to your body, and build up slowly. Only advice I have on that front is not to overdo it but at the same time don’t let the fear of pain stop you from doing the exercises. Yes, they’ll be a little uncomfortable, but it’s worth it to ensure you keep a full range of motion longer term.

Fingers crossed for us both that it’s not as bad as the fears :slightly_smiling_face: