
I go into hospital tomorrow for a mastectomy and although I am coming to terms with everything i am still quite anxious about the op. I am sure others have felt or are feeling the same. What will I feel like afterwards? It is the biggest thing i have had to face in my live. I will be having underarm surgery too so what will I expect from this. It is all so scary.

Hello Melina,

I am not sure if you will see this post now and I am sorry that you did not get a reply before your op.
Just in case you do see this post,wanted to let you know that you will be okay.
In terms of feelings, we are all different, so just accept your feelings whatever they are, and you may feel the same or different to others. I think the over-riding feeling is relief actually, relief that something you have been dreading is over, and you might even feel quite positive at first, although realistically I think there is a phase where one has to come to terms with it all.
I’ve had 3 lots of breast surgery (breast cancer twice and a failed reconstruction!), but I think not to worry about being in pain as the pain is well-managed. More than anything, and especially the under-arm, you might feel tight and sore and there will be some restricted movement. You will get exercises and I would strongly reoomend them, little and often is better than long bursts. It does pay off.
You may have drains in after the op, but some hospitals are using them.
I think you can expect to be up and about and doing self-care stuff, but that rest is important. Lots of distractions, books may be too hard to focus on, so music, magazines, films, box sets, whatever your thing. Not too many visitors as this can be tiring.
I think the thing to hold onto is that in a year’s time you will look back and this will be something horrible that happened, but it will be ‘over.’ I am not trying to say that you won’t face challenges, but it gets easier to cope and manage and we are all so much more reslient than we ever know.
Good luck, Rattles

Thank you Rattles for your reply, I have looked on this morning before I go to hospital. Your words are very comforting and welcome.

Melena I hope everything goes well for you Today. It’s a shame you didn’t post earlier. I am 8 weeks post mx and ANC and doing fine. You really must take each day as it comes. We are all different but you will have to overcome many mixed emotions and that is when you will find the wonderful ladies on this site inspirational, kind and supportive.
You will feel sore and stiff from the op and your arm will feel heavy. My advice would be to wear button through tops or shirts over strappy vests. You can dress these up with lovely scarves, which will cover you until your confident enough to wear your bra and softie. If you have drains, put them in a bag that can be carried around and keep it on the floor when resting so the drains don’t get blocked. V shaped pillows are great for support. I have two. One soft one for bed and a firmer one I used on my lap and rested my arm on. I kept everything I needed to hand and if you have a kindle or I pad you’ll find it a god send in the middle of the night when you can’t sleep. Catch up tv and Netflix :slight_smile:
Each day will bring a new sensation, twinge or pain which are all quite normal but if you’re unsure come on here and ask or call your bcn. Don’t be afraid to take your painkillers, I asked for stronger ones for night time. Most of all do your exercises and rest! You need time to recover so let others help you and put your feet up. You have a good excuse.
If you want to ask anything personally please pm me. Take care and let us know how you get on.
Hugs Emma

Thank you melrose for your words. I have now had the op and now on my first full day at home. I stayed in until the drain came out. The op was not as bad as I thought it is is just the arm and where the drain has been that is sore at the moment. The care I had at hospital was brilliant. Not ready for the bra yet so will take your advice.
Thanks again Sheelagh

Hello melena,
how are you feeling now? Found your post this morning,I’m having my mx next week with immediate reconstruction and have been feeling the same as you. Heads in a fog and have so many questions that realistically can only be answered by me after the surgery, how will it feel, how long does it take to heal etc.
was that I might be away from my baby for so long, and that I won’t be able to hold and cuddle her properly but now this is much better than the thought I’m not with her at all.

talking to others who are or have gone through all this really helps and I hope your doing well. Take care and rest x

Hi there
I have just been diagnosed with DCIS intermediate grade. I will be 40 next week and am going to alton tower with kids and then going to have a mastectomy when I come back. They gave me the option of partial mastectomy with radiation, but I have talked it over with my family and close friends and GP and feel it would be better to go for the mastectomy as there is much less of it comeing back within the next five years. I was wondering if you could give me any advice on what to expect in terms of time and pain and limitation and dealing with what it looks like afterwards

Hiya Nicola. The op its self was better than I thought and the care I recieved was brilliant. The second day after the op I just felt as if I had been kicked by a horse and the arm was uncomfortable as I ha a drain in. Once that came out it was musch better. I am home now and coping ok as long as I keep up the painkillers. I have been told to keep up with the excersies from others on the site as it it will help. I hope all goes well for you.