mastectomy after effects

I am now 12 weeks on from a mastectomy and 10 weeks from another op to remove more lymph nodes because one of the nodes had a small sign of cancer…I havent needed chemo or radiotherapy and for this I am very grateful and feel I have recovered very well from the trauma of bc. Is there anyone out there who can tell me when the numbness and swelling under the arm might get any better…or does it?..some days it is better than others. I do have plenty of movement in my arm and shoulder because I have religiously done my exercises and am now ready to return to pilates which I have done for the last 4 years and that I am sure has helped.

Hi xwordnut1,

My first mx was 7 years ago, and I don’t l really remember. But went back to work after 4 months, so I was OK and comfortable then. I am still numb under my arm, but I’ve got used to that, the only problem is sometimes the skin feels itchy and when I scratch, it does not relieve it because I cannot feel the scratching.

I’m glad you don’t need any more treatment , that is great. I don’t mean to be dumb , but what is “pilates”

All the best

I had a double mx beginning of Feb this year, I still have alot of that numb feeling and I only had a sentinel node biopsy, 4 nodes taken out. I have been told that it may get better over time, but the majority will have numbness permanantly.

I agree with Maria about trying to relieve an itch, it just doesn’t work when you scratch!


Hi everyone

I had my mx in October 2008 and I have still got numbness under my arm and a bit down the back of my arm too(I don’t have any swelling though). I had physio for about a year after my op and although I have got full movement back everything still feels a bit tight and stiff but it isn’t painful so I just try to ignore it. My physio told me I might never get the feeling back and it could always be numb but she said my brain would adapt to it eventually and I would not notice it as much.

Maude xx

I have had a double mastectomy 8wks ago and have no further signs of cancer.
However they still want me to have 6 months of chemo as a ‘just in case’ measure.
Could i ask if treatment was offered to you? As i do not want to have the chemo but im struggling to find others that have not had treatment?
Am x

Summer Sun. Can I ask firstly why you had a bilateral mastectomy? I had the same last July because I have a BRCA1 mutation, followed by chemotherapy and radiotherapy. My tumour was small (11mm) but a grade 3, so I had chemo and rads. It all depends on the characteristics of your tumour and any lymph node involvement etc. whether or not you need chemo. If they’re offering you chemo they must think that you’d benefit from it. Why don’t you ask them what percentage difference it would make to your 10 year survival, then you can make an informed decision as to whether or not you want to have it.

Caro x

I hope this response does not offend. Summer sun, if you are being offered chemo then you should have it. Yes it is crap and you will probably have undesired side effects, but once chemo is over things should return to normal fairly quickly and then you can get on with your life. I have secondaries, face ongoing chemo just to keep alive for as long as I can. If yours is primary cancer then really you should take all you can to prevent it coming back for as long as possible. Just my humble opinion.
