mastectomy and node clearance .H

In 10 days I go for mastectomy and axilla node clearance , my last chemotherapy was 11th of March , I feel paranoid that it will grow again before operation , can still feel it and the nodes , by night time arm is aching , and dreading thr result when I go back on the 7th April , more anxiety and more waiting , putting on a positive face , in saying that  some days I am . Just want operation over with .xx

Trish, I understand how you feel as with others on this site. I had to wait eight weeks from dx to mx and all I could think about wad getting it out. From my MRI to my operation with was five weeks and the size when removed was the same. You will feel better when you have your operation and results…again the waiting is the worst. Not long now , sending you hugs while you wait busy yourself with a much as you can doing things you enjoy xxx WAX xx

Hi Trish

The waiting for treatments and results is hard, along with the support here please feel free to call our helpline, lines are open weekdays 9-5 and Saturday 10-2 on 0808 800 6000 for support

Take care
Lucy BCC