Mastectomy and reconstruction surgery

I had a mastectomy and reconstruction surgery using fat from my abdomen about a month ago. Has anyone else had this done? My abdomen is still very uncomfortable and where lymph nodes were taken isstill sore. How have others fared. When do you feel something approaching normal?  Good thing is lymph nodes were cancer free so am very lucky - just frustrated as cannot do much still. 

Hi Nitajane


So sorry to read that you’re still in discomfort.

I’m having a left breast mastectomy and DIEP reconstruction in a few weeks, and from what I’ve read and heard from other patients what you’re going through is probably normal. It supposedly takes at least six weeks for the discomfort to disappear and you begin to feel normal. At least that’s what I’m led to believe by my BCN. Are you able to do the prescribed exercises and anti-lymphoedema stretches?


You must feel so relieved that you lymph nodes are clear. That’s something I’m dreading – getting those results.


How was the surgery for you? Did you have many drains and have to stay in hospital for long. I’m curious. I hope you’ll see each day gets better.


In the meantime, wishing you a happier few weeks ahead.

Fonty x