I had a mastectomy and reconstruction surgery using fat from my abdomen about a month ago. Has anyone else had this done? My abdomen is still very uncomfortable and where lymph nodes were taken isstill sore. How have others fared. When do you feel something approaching normal? Good thing is lymph nodes were cancer free so am very lucky - just frustrated as cannot do much still.
Hello Nitajane, I had the same operation last November. I found that even 10 weeks after the operation my abdomen would feel heavy towards the end of the day. The swelling went down gradually and the scar became less sensitive so that at 12 weeks I was wearing trousers with normal waistband and I could fit into trousers that had been a little tight pre op.
I would say that even now my abdomen does not feel exactly the same as before the operation but the swelling has gone and I have a good amount of sensation, I still massage the scar with oil each day and this has helped keep it soft and to heal.
In terms of my breast/chest area it took about 5 weeks before I felt I was taking full, deep breaths. By 6 weeks after operation my breast had settled down and only had occassional twinges but no real pain. Also at 12 weeks I was able to place my arm on that side flat on the bed above my head, I still do strethcing exercises now as they keep the armpit area relaxed.
I was able to do most things like walking, showering, carrying light things by about 5 weeks. I avoded doing any work at computer for 6 weks as I found my arm got stiff from using the keyboard.
My advice is to listen to your body, look after yourself (do exercises as suggested) take time to heal and recover and dont beat yourself up about not being able to do some things now. It will get better and its amzaing how the time goes by and before you know it you will have hours of time when youve forgotten that you have had the operation.
All the best with your recovery
I’m about to have the same treatment, am anxious about post surgery issues like infection and about how long it will take to feel ‘recovered’ xx