mastectomy - implants or DIEP?

I am 47 and have recently been diagnosed with DCIS in quite a large area of my breast, of which a very small part is  described as “suspected becoming invasive”. The area seems to be too large to do lumpectomy (I have quite small breasts), so the choices are as above (I don’t want to be flat chested).


I am leaning towards DIEP because of potential dangers of implants and need to have further surgery in future, but I don’t have enough belly fat to fill the whole breast, and the surgeon has said I would need to have a second operation to “fill in” with fat from thighs etc. My hospital can only offer me a TRAM procedure, not one of the DIEP ones that don’yt involve only stomach fat. not muscle (or fat from thighs etc).


I really need to hear from women who have had experience of both procedures. I would be particularly imterested to hear from anyone with any experience of stacked DIEP or TUG flap surgery, or on who does this in the UK.




Hi Topo,

It might be an idea to post in ‘surgery’ in the ‘going through treatment’ board, as there are others there who would have been through similar. 

Best wishes with it all

ann x