Mastectomy - keeping nipple

I am due to have a left mastectomy in a months’ time because most of my breast is covered with intermediate/high grade DCIS. I have to make a decision as to whether to keep my nipple or have it removed. I understand the risks to keeping it eg necrosis but I still don’t feel closer to reaching a decision. I’d be really grateful to hear of peoples’ experiences please. If you kept your nipple, did you have problems? For reference, I am 38 and otherwise fit and well. Thank you for reading. 

I’m in my 30s and have to have a mastectomy next month. My worst case scenario was losing my nipple but I’ve been told it has to go & I’ve come to terms with it now. There’s quite a few options; nipple reconstruction or really good 3d nipple tattoos.

I thought losing it would be the end of the world but it hasn’t been. 

Your decision but worth speaking to your BCN about reconstruction/ tattoos & ask for photos.

Good luck.

Hi @EllieW  I’m a similar place to you, but a few weeks behind I guess.  I also have a large area of intermediate DCIS and am having a left Mx and immediate reconstruction (hopefully).  I have just been discussing the nipple issue with surgeon.  My first thought was to keep it but am now leaning towards not.   Did you come to a decision you are okay about?