Mastectomy not healing

Hi. I was hoping someone could advise. I recently had an immediate reconstruction so i don’t know how to advise my mum who opted for mastectomy without recon. She had her op six weeks ago and since then the scar has an inch thick black scab which runs the length of the incision. Two weeks ago the skin specialist said he didn’t want to touch it as it looked like the scab was starting to lift so she was to leave it out in the open as much as possible and bathe it in salt water twice a day. The wound has now opened a little at either end and is leaking so much that it soaks through a pad in about an hour. The scab is also not lifting and she is uncomfortable and miserable. She has a follow up appointment on Friday but thinks they will do what they usually do and say it will be alright and send her away again but she can’t take much more of it. Has anyone had a similar experience and is there anything that she should be asking or demanding from the team. Also if anyone has similar experience what was done for you.

She could have fluid under the wound that needs draining. The fact it is leaking so much I think she should seek advise sooner than Friday!

I would definitely advise her to get it checked out - that doesn’t sound right at all.


I had my mastectomy 7 weeks ago without reconstruction and my scar is red, but not leaking or scabby at all. The last little bit of scab came off about 4 weeks ago. It’s still a bit tender and sore at times, but solid and healed over completely.

Thanks everyone. I have passed on what you have said. She has spoken to the breast clinic nurse today and they have booked her to go in and get it all looked at tomorrow x

Thank you. She has been in. They have given her antibiotics. The surgeon has cut the scab away and they have packed with something seaweedy! Sounds horrific! She has to go back every two days now.
Thank you everyone x