i am as you know having a left mastectomy on wednesday. i have asked myself and my partner and friends wotthey think to me asking them to take both, im only small chested anyway and am very worrieed about not matching. will they do this so when im reconstructed they can im put implants in both (and can go bigger) or will they offer me thi sanyway, or can i ask to have implants in both due to the fact of having cancer, myheads a whirl wind and i do worry about appearence as i have nurofribromatosis ne way so have lots of lumps, so this would boost my confidence if at least theyd be willing to get both sides matching i already get remarks bout my size and was contemplating theis implants anyway
I can’t give you advice, but have you talked to your surgeon about this? and what recon are you having done? also, is your cancer a genetic one? the helpline on here is very good for advice also, hope whatever you decide and whatever surgery you have that your happy with it.
lots of love
I second what Alison has just said. I have a friend who was in a similar position to you though her boobs were big not small. She also had lumpy uneven breasts. Initially, she had a lump removed, but then got a re-occurance in same boob, so asked for both to be removed. Her med team were fine with this.
She has never had a reconstruction, she just has smaller prosthethises and she loves her more ‘normal’ size and shape.
I am gonna ask to have a double mastectomy. Can’t see the point in having the worry and the lopsided-ness (don’t think that’s a real word!!!). I have been thinking about this for a week or so and decided as I am triple negative (no hormones or Herceptin for me) and also they think I have the wonky gene - I will be less worried for the future if they just take both away. I never ever believed I would be saying this or even contemplating it - but BC definitely changes your outlook.
I would suggest talking to your surgeon/BCN asap. They will guide you and help you reach your decision.
Good luck with what you decide