Mastectomy surgery August 2016

After four months of chemo still only have the option of a mastectomy with lymph removal. I was hoping there would be a choice coz it had shrunk so I’d hoped for a lumpectomy. I do however have the choice about what reconstruction, if any. I don’t know what I want it’s all so scary. Maybe I should decide and go for it later, but then that means two ops. Sorry I’m feeling a bit down last chemo was Tuesday and s/e are kicking in making me emotional and not coping well with the thoughts in my head. Thanks ladies for being there and listening to my ramblings?

Hi SusieQ,


I am sorry things are not clear for you.  It’s perfectly understandable that you’d be emotional - I think we’ve all been there at some point and regularly return!  My experience was that I had my surgery before chemo.  I opted for an LD flap reconstruction without implant.  I’ve gone from a G cup to a C at best on my affected side so am decidedly lopsided at the moment.  Once chemo is done I’ll be having the right side reduced and some fat grafting to the left to even things up.  Until then I wear a very convincing protheses.


You might find more people exploring the options in the Surgery forum but if I can help any further, just shout.


B x

Hi SuzieQ

i faced the challenging decision but before chemo. Two surgeons advised that my best option was an immediate DIEP recon and I was referred to plastic surgeon. She was lovely but didn’t hold back on the risks and the complexities of fitting me in. I decided to proceed but was anxious that any delay in healing (as it is a massive op there are real risks afterwards) would result in a delay in chemo starting. When a lymph node, seen as thickened on my MRI, came out as cancerous I cancelled the search for a date for reconstruction went for straightforward MX and ANC. Figured I can live without a boob but I won’t live without treatment. It was the right thing for me as I have healed really well and start chemo on Friday. BUT I am sad I couldn’t have it all done at the same time as the thought of going through surgery and recovery again for purely cosmetic reasons, not least fitting in 3 months off work and into  our busy family life feels like it will never happen. In a couple of years of living with a rubber boob I may well change my mind. 


So, as you have already had chemo, you have options - as Sue says your team will know what is best for you, your shape and health and best long term option. I found sitting with the BCN and looking at the devices, going through the implications of each and also looking at photos was very helpful, although traumatic too. 


So many difficult decisions - am sure you will come to the best decision for you.