Has anyone on here stayed flat after a double mastectomy and had a tattoo over their scars? I want to know if it really hurts. I’m considering it for the future. Thank you. Xxx
I’d love one on my on one flat side but can’t as it’s my lymphedema side (arm and a tiny bit in my scar area).
However, I had a tattoo on the inside of my other side’s arm in October to commemorate my husband. It tickled more than anything else. One bit close to the bone smarted.
Tattoos over bones hurt! My pal had one on the top bit of her foot and the whole lot hurt a lot as it was all over bone. She, like me, has high pain threshold.
Ask for recommedations, let them know what design you want or ask for suggestions and speak lots to your artist before you have it done. Ask for examples of their work. Aftercare is straightforward and easy.
Let us know how you get on.
Good luck
AnGELa x
Hello Angela
Thank you for answering me.
I’m going to get a small one on my wrist first to see how I go. I can’t have the mastectomy one for while as haven’t finished treatment yet so got lots of time to decide
I hope you are doing well now.
Big hug
Judi x
Hi Judi,
I’m really well (apart from natural old age!) - just coming up to 4 years post mastectomy now.
Wrist will hurt! x