Mastectomy tomorrow

Hi all

Sorry not been on here for a while as have been keeping busy. Broke the news I have BC to my 3 lovely girlies just over a week ago now, they were shocked and upset but we had cuddles and giggles amongst the teras and are being amazing. Two of them have signed up to do Birmingham 10K for Breast Cancer Care as I told them it had been my lifeline, especially whilst I was waiting for the results - what stars they are. I went public at the same time and have been overwhelmed by the support I have had - feel very loved :slight_smile: Decided to decorate the bedroom and make curtains, exhausted by all the activity but pleased I did it.

Off tomorrow for sentinal node recovery and single mastectomy, feel quite calm about it, I know the day will be MUCH harder for those around me.  Only scheduled to be in overnight which is great by me (prefer to be home same day to be honest but not sure I will get away with that!)

I am ready to start this fight and rest assured will emerge the winner :slight_smile:

Hope all you lovely ladies are doing OK too, love and hugs to all xxx

PS Laughter really is the best medicine, my eldest sent me a message wishing me Happy National Cleavage Day on Friday - I replied I was glad it was then and not this week as wouldn’t qualify!!  Many giggles were had by us both :slight_smile:

Hi Jules


I feel for you.  I had my single left Mx, node clearance and immediate reconstruction 3 weeks ago today. It still all feels strange, solid, stiff and strange feelings returning, arm a bit stiff but its all bearable.  I was allowed out same day went in at 6.30 and was home by 4.15 and we live 25 miles away from hospital.  Drain bottle a bit awkward, but swapped for a smaller one after a few days.  had it out in 6 days.  All scar healed up on the outside by 10 days.  It looks a bit strange but at least the cancer has gone from it.  I had two lumps in it.  You will be fine

I dont know what further treatment you have to have - I have to have chemo FEC-T and am awaiting start date, also have to have heart scan and bone density scan first.  This will be followed by radiotherapy- which was never mentioned before - but because there was a lot of node involvement they are worried about the ones in my upper boob/should/neck.  This will be hell cos 50mile round trip, have to have 5 days a week for 5 weeks.  How were are gonna manage that and run our small b and b I dont know… will cross that bridge when we come to it.  A have the massive chemoto get on with firstand tbh I am dreading it.  Wouldnt be so bad if I felt back to where I was before op but I dont and am not.  Still it is only three weeks - what can I expect.

Good luck with Op tomorrow, if you want to chat about it at any time please contact me.




I had a mastectomy and Ld reconstruction 14 days ago. i had a bath with two drains in. I just hung them the side of the bath. I had a very shallow one and was careful not to get anything wet.
I also drove as soon as we drains were out which was after a week. Mine is right side tho. I felt really happy to drive. I think if it was left side I would have been less happy. The seatbelt would have some across my new boob.
best wishes x


I had masectomy and node clearance last thursday . I could have come home same night but decided to stay in, but next morning they took drains out and I came home.

Five days on and I’m a little stiff with lots of sensations and niggles but no major pain. Physio advised no driving for 6 weeks but most people have told me they were driving after 3 weeks. I’m pottering around house and my 3 and 5 yr old children keeping me busy , but just avoiding lifting heavy things.

It’s not been anywhere near as bad as I thought. I’ll be going back next week to get my chemo plan and rads if needed.

Good luck for tomorrow

Jules…sending you hugs.xx

best of luck jules xxx

Thanks to you all. So pleased a bath will be OK, I’d thought I could dangle drains and its nice to know I will be able to. Will be guided by how things are re driving. Think all the family are more stressed about OK than me but hopefully based on your comments I will be pottering around again quickly. Will update once home, take care all xxx

Hi duckgirl73
Welcome to the BCC forums where you will find support and shared experiences which I am sure you will find helpful, in addition please feel free to call our helpliners on 0808 800 6000 weekdays 9-5 and Sat 10-2

I am posting a link to the ‘younger women’s’ further support and information from BCC including our ‘Someone like me’ service whereby you can speak to others by telephone or email who have had similar concerns to you, I hope this helps to support you with your decisions:

Take care
Lucy BCC

Hi all. Thank you for your good wishes. Had my mastectomy and sentinel node clearance yesterday afternoon. Came home late thus morning. :slight_smile: Feeling generally OK, the nausea was the worst part. Not in pain only mild discomfort and paracetamol deal with it. Am very bruised and feels like an elephant has sat on my chest but I know that will all ease. Now to wait 2-3 weeks for results and then will know what next step is. 

I couldn’t have immediate reconstruction as surgeon said that would mean longer to heal and delay any further treatment. 

Oncology is the NHS at its best, the care I’ve received to date has been wonderful. 

Hang in there ladies, its definitely onwards and upwards from here on in. Take care all xxxx

Hope the op went well and u weren’t in for too long. I had mine 30 dec and was adamant wanted to be home for new year and was. Make sure you keep up with the pain relief and defo the exercises, I have full movement back now all down to the exercises. All the best

You’ve been on my mind Jules. Good to hear from you and that you are home.


Ironing? Think you’ve had too much anaesthetic, lol. Your arm should only be used for lifting choccies to your mouth followed by glass of wine! Take it easy now, x

Oh dear…you have got the syndrome…your mind tells you that you are ok and believe me your body will tell you otherwise…I know To my cost what it was like to overdo things…ironing can wait…and so can all the other household chores…family and friends rally round in times like these so make the most of it. The one thing you concentrate on is your exercises…they pay dividends…have a lovely Easter x

I’m also a terrible patient! Hate doing nothing but have learned that when I tried to do too much after my op , in my case back on my computer for a few hours, i tended to pay for it the following day. I run my own business so wanted to get ‘back in the saddle’ My shoulder ached for quite a while and my BCN explained that it was because they have to hyper extend your arm during surgery so it’ takes some time for the muscles to recover. Gentle on your exercises too, they really do help but build up gradually, as they tell you. Hope you’re enjoying Easter, rather too much hot cross bun eating going on in my house x