Mastectomy week before Xmas!

Hi all

My MRI scan results came back & showed no evidence of any further disease in my left and there was also no evidence of any disease in my good boob. Hurrah!!

But I have decided to go for the prophylactic mastectomy on the left side all the same (to reduce risk of recurrence) & I’m booked in for the 18th December! (Was originally offered the 11th but my daughter’s got her first ever Xmas production at school that week & there’s no way I was gonna miss that - this disease has already robbed me of enough!!)

So come Xmas morning I’ll be popping the cocodamol with my Bucks Fizz but one things for sure - I AM NOT COOKING XMAS DINNER - yippee!!!

Think I might make some personalised cards with a photo of the boob to go, either:

  • under some mistletoe, or
  • paint Rudolphs face & have the nipple for this nose
    Any other suggestions would be great.

Just really wanted to say thanks to all the ladies on here who have helped me out on this issue with advice & support, and good luck to anyone else who’ll be convalescing over the festive period.

Ho ho ho!


Hey Mammabee

Glad you’ve made your decision - and your not letting the date interfere with your daughters first ever production - as you say - this thing robbs us of so much already.

I have surgery on 10th - meeting with surgeon this Friday to find out what I need - gonna discuss prophylactic mast but after talking to breast nurse she said theres no evidence for me that it would make any difference than having wle if thats what surgeon decides is best - will see what Friday brings.

Glad your not gonna have to cook christmas dinner - as you say - it will be pain killers washed down with bucks fizz.

Will keep posted to see how you get on
Thinking of you


Sounds like you might be ok witht the WLE. I had my WLE in June but they found another tumour when they went in & mine’s lobular carcinoma which is prone to be multifocal.

I had to laugh though when the registrar examined me today she asked if my appetite was ok as she felt my wobbly belly - it was on the tip of my tounge to say “I’ve just finished 4 months of FEC with dex steroids each time - wadda YOU think?” I think I just smiled & said “never better” LOL


Aye sometimes they just dinnae think before opening their mouths??

Take care
