Hi Everyone - just got home at 9am today after a mastectomy yesterday. I was scheduled to go home on same day but because I was so poorly I stayed the night. Pain was bearable, though my face turned rather blue wich caused abit of a stir with the medical staff, but when the Blood Pressure reading showed as normal it was left, and glad to say I got my normal colour back. Had oxygen for the whole day almost and the ‘drip’ until I left this morning. Really I would have preferred another day in hospital because I just cannot rest at home - am too fidgety.
I don’t like what I see but have to accept it. I cried in the Anaesthetics room. Today though I feel better knowing the DCIS has all gone (I hope). Nodes were all clear so none taken out. Appt with Consultant in 2 weeks’ time - hope he gives me the sentence I have been longing to hear since 18th January 2013 - ‘You are in the clear’.
I remember another lady who also had a mastectomy 2nd July is it Naz? Hope the lady in question is recovering as well as I am physically.


Hi Diamondlady thought I’d reply to this as we are in the same boat…unfortunately!! I had a lumpectomy and lymph node clearance on 11 June sadly they didn’t get clear margins so I had another one two weeks ago. Went for the results yesterday only to find more evidence of DCIS and now have to have a mastectomy next Tuesday. I was coping really well before this but now I’m feeling shocked and devastated. Really struggling to get my hend round it all. Maybe you could give me some tips now its a couple of weeks since you had yours - how are you feeling? I’ve got chemo and radiation to look forward to as well and I’m really stressing about how I’m going to look as no recon until all treatment finished.

Hi Bararella63,
I know how you must be feeling I had the same thing last July had lumpectomy and then in August had to have lymph node clearance and mastectomy it did come as a big shock as was expecting to return to work after the 1st op.I also cant have reconstruction until next year had chemo and radiotheraphy finished chemo in Jan 2013 then followed with 3weeks of radiotheraphy. I had to go on anastrozole at the same time as starting radiotheraphy, now 6months on I am having a weeks break before starting a new drug due to side effects. After the mastectomy the breast nurse gave me a little softie to put in my sports bra and I did leave hospital wearing this which I was so grateful for. Later i had my prosthesis which is made of silicone and quite good fits in the pocket of my bra( excellent selection at Debenhams)
It does take a lot of getting used to after the surgery and coming to turns with how you look but I keep telling myself its only temp I am definately having a reconstruction. Good Luck for Tuesday and on the rest of your journey I will keep watching out on here to see how you get on. Take Care xxx

Hi Kirstie
thanls so much for your helpful reply, you sound as though you have experienced everything I am about to! It’s good to hear you have weathered it and come out the other end! Did you have radiotherapy to,your chest wall? Apparently I have to not sure what that will be like?? Have you got lymphodeama? Another thing to worry about! I seem to be ok at the moment but its early days I guess, god I feel like I’m turning into the worlds biggest worrier, if its not one thing it’s another! Am still waiting on the HER2 status of what they’ve taken so far which is worrying me! Sorry to bombard you but hope you see this as I would be really interested in your experience!

Hi Barbarella63
No problem happy to be of help to you :slight_smile: I did have radiotheraphy to my chest wall 15 sessions it went over so quickly and was not as bad as I first feared, I applied E45 cream and one of the nurses said that seing as I have fair skin she was very impressed with my skin at the end of treatment, :slight_smile: I applied lots on a night and just a small amount after shower in the morning before going to treatment. So far I have been lucky not to get lymphodea I know people that have though :frowning: I still do my exercises even now! The radiotheraphy only takes a few minutes just a case of keeping still I had to wear a booster pad which is like a gel square that lies across your chest but not everyone has this. I was told it was to concentrate the treatment into certain areas this is all decided by your oncologist and done on the computor while you just lie there and try to relax. It is over very quickly though and I did get to meet some very nice people who still txt me :slight_smile: Take Care and keep in touch xx

Thanks Kirstie I too am fair skinned so will be investing in E45 cream!! Mind you radiotherapy is a fair way off yet! Gotta get through Tuesday first!! Glad to hear you don’t have the dreaded lymphodeama here’s hoping I don’t either! Xx

just to say I had a mastectomy two years ago with chemo and Herceptin as I was HER2. I must say chemo and Herceptin as I had both at the same time was so much better than I ever thought. I exercised nearly every morning on my wii fit, walked and played golf obviously not on the days I was feeling weary. I really think keeping yourself active helps the mind and body. I decided not to have reconstruction as I felt so lucky to have gone through the op and the chemo so well and I have not regretted that decision at all. It takes time mentally to recover from the shock of all that has happened to you but it does get easier. Best of luck you will get through it I promise.

Hi Barbarells 63 - I am fine thank you, been out and about doing all those things I used to do before this awful ‘interference’ in my life. Hard to look at myself to begin with but when dressed nobody has a clue I have had a MX. I read about the full bust enhancers from Seafolly so been wearing those. I do have a problem in bed as I refuse to let my husband see me, I put my comfy whilst reading in bed then pull the covers. I will show myself to him when I feel more confident in myself. It would make no difference to him but I will do so in my own time.
My DCIS in total came to more than 10cm and he said it would have got really nasty if I had not have the MX but still Non-Invasive. SNB all ok and no further treatment required so am lucky in a way.
You will get through this. I am one of those who always had a fear of the Big C - could hardly mention the word but when it happens to you, there is absolutely no choice. This Forum and Support Groups have helped a great deal as well as friends who have been through it themselves. Of course there are tearful, scary moments and I still get them.
Good luck and take it in your stride one day at a time if necessary.
