
I am having a left mastectomy this coming friday +/- node removal they are not sure yet. Feeling anxious about it all. Am fed up with my husband thinking I am not going to be able to go back to work 3 weeks after surgery. My job is not heavy I am nurse in a gp surgery. He says He doesn’t want me to be disappointed if I can’t. But I want to be positive about it and what I will be able to do. Am I being unrealistic.

Hi mausimouse sorry to hear you are having a mastectomy. I had mine 17 days ago and am returning to work on Wednesday three weeks post op. To be honest I’m driving / shopping etc now it’s been the emotional side of it that has been more difficult to deal with. I work with kids so will take time off during chemo as they are often bug infested! Used to be a practice nurse tho, and I agree the work is fairly light , but you will be in contact with patients who may have viruses / bugs that you are more susceptible to. Listen to your body and your mind, I know staying at home can make you stir crazy tho! Hope all goes well, Lesley x

Hello Mausi x
I havent had MX yet as im having Chemo first but wanted to say its probably just your hubby being over cautious because he loves you and doesnt want you to be upset if you cant. I have read many accounts of MX on the net and ladies do return after 2-3 weeks depending on job. You may still be a bit unwell but you may not, you just need to go with what you feel at the time. x


I had a masectomy on the 15th October.  I work for my husbands business so can work from home.  Managed to do 3 hours last Wednesday but that shattered me for Thursday.  I have therefore decided to do 2 hours a day this week.  You therefore might find it ambitious to go back full time.  Might be an idea to try part time first. When I went to the hospital for my results on Friday with the consultant, i told her that I was still very tired and she said that is to be expected because all the energy is going on healing the body.  Good luck. Xx

Thanks everyone for your replies. I am am just hopeleas at taking things easy… I am sure my body wiill force mee into it. I just want to hang on to my positivity. I know my husband is loves me and is just worried about me. This whole process has been a nightmare and I have coped by keeping busy and I am worried if I can’t do these things and and have a return to work goal I will fall apart. I only work 2 days a week so could maybe do half days for a while. I will just have to play it by ear. I have 2 kids as well so they will keep me occupied. X