I am seeking advice/support
I am NOT pregnant or breastfeeding but i think i might have infectious mastitis. A few months prior to my symptoms, i noticed a white blister on the end of my nipple. It was agony. After spending the whole weekend poking at it, after about 3 days i noticed the whole tip of my nipple was yellow under the surface with a sort of scab over the top. when i went for a shower, it burst and runny white/yellow pus came out (sorry, this is horrible) afterwards, i could see the white dot again i had seen a few days earlier and when i squeezed it, a white thing that looked like spagetti (quite solid) came out and it was about the length of my pinky nail. I didnt put any ointment on because i didnt have any and after it burst it felt instantly better so i thought no more of it. Between then and now, i have left like my breast just wasnt right, when i bent over in the shower to wrap my hair in a towel, it felt heavier than the other. so, moving forward about 3 months … i started to get a heavy feeling in the same breast, it had a dull ache and i thought, maybe i’ve pulled a muscle? A day or so later, i have the worst headache ive had in my life. I’m coming home from work and going straight to bed, it’s too painful, shivery skin, muscle aches, can’t get a heat etc. The following morning i notice a red wedge shape mark on my breast from the nipple, upwards towards the middle of my chest. My breast became swollen, with a hard lump, firmness, redness, slightly itching (only sometimes, not always) it’s the upper inner part of my left breast. I went to the docs who gave me a week worth of antibiotic, which was helping, but as soon as the week course was over, i was back to being in agony. I was then given a 14 day course of 500mg antibiotic which has now been finished for a week. i would say i’m 90% better, no redness (this went away after 2 days) no constant pain, no pain in the glands at my collarbone, which were sore perviously … just a tender sore spot when touched and a slight area of firmness. I done a urine test which showed up infection, but then i did another one during my last week of antibiotics and it came back clear? Why am i still suffering pain with this? It tends to get worse after wearing a bra all day. why would i get a milk blister if never been pregnant? Can anyone help me, i’m so scared ive got IBC or something really bad. I know it’s good news my symptoms have improved a lot with the antibiotics, but it’s still a worry. I am 26. It didnt help it was 3 weeks before i could get an appointment at my local doctors to start the antibiotics, do you think this is why it is taking so long? It is maybe a really deep infection? I can feel one part of my breat that is sore, the rest has always been pain free, i have no changes to my skin, no discharge apart from that thing months ago. I wonder whether touching the blister and picking it with my fingernail has meant it has got infected. I’m just not sure whether or not it would take a few months to show up any symptoms, like the headache from hell etc?
thanks to all who can help
Hi MrsForrester,
Welcome to the BCC discussion forums where I am sure you will get lots of good, honest support fro, the many informed users of this site. Could I suggest that you give our helpline team here a ring, they’re just a free phone call away, 0808 800 6000 lines opne Mon-Fri 9-5 and Sat 10-2, the staff are here to support you.
Kind regards,
Jo, Facilitator
Thanks Jo. i’ll find the time to do that. Does this sound serious? I’m so worried
Hi again MrsForrester,
I’m not qualified to say whether this sounds serious or not, you’re best getting professional advice, our helpline staff will support you.
Take care,
Jo, Facilitator
I’m very sorry you go through this worry. I’m not qualified either to give any advise if this is serious or not, but I would advise (regardless what it is) to go back to your GP and request an appointment with the breast clinic, otherwise the worry will not leave you.
All the best,