Matrix reconstruction

Hi Ladies, am new on here having been diagnosed with bilateral DCIS about 6 weeks ago. Had my sentinel nodes taken out both sides on Tuesday this week (bad week to not be able to wear deodorant!) to check that cancer hasn’t spread anywhere else. I’ve been offered either ld or matrix with implant as bilateral surgery options. I’m swaying on the matrix option due to the shorter recovery time but would love to hear from other ladies who have this done as I understand it’s quite a new type of surgery. We’re you happy with the results? Negative and positive feedback welcome x

Hi Nicky76

Whilst you are wating for the other users to respond you might find it helpful to chat to someone who has had this type of reconstruction. Breast Cancer Care run a service called ‘someone like me’ where you can speak with a volunteer who has alread experienced this. For more information I have included the link to the website page which gives more detail on the service and how to go about it if you decide this might be helpful to you.

Also do remember you can always talk things through with a member of staff on the helpline.  The number is 0808 800 6000 and lines are open today 10 to 2pm and weekdays 9 to5pm.

Best wishes Sam, BCC Facilitator 

Hi Nicky76


Just read your post.  I was faced with the same decision 3 years ago and the idea of a long op versus a shorter strattice op worried me.  I opted for the strattice as I was also worried about loosing strength in my right arm.  Having said that, I feel that my right arm is not as strong and I still have difficulty in lifting heavy weights (shopping bags etc).  If I stand still the breast looks fairly decent but I feel that my strattice was sewn on too tightly as there is pulling in muscles above the breast.


I suppose that I am glad that I went down this route, these are difficult decisions to make.  I hope that other ladies will add their opinions for you soon.  Good luck and keep me informed of your decision.  Regards Chris