This topic is for anyone starting chemo in May 2024 to share thoughts and feelings in a supportive environment.
You can find more info on chemo on our pages Chemotherapy for breast cancer | Breast Cancer Now
This topic is for anyone starting chemo in May 2024 to share thoughts and feelings in a supportive environment.
You can find more info on chemo on our pages Chemotherapy for breast cancer | Breast Cancer Now
I’ve been waiting a few days to see if anyone else would post first!
I’m (finally) starting chemo on 2nd May, its been a long wait full of scans and chasing appointments. My current plan is 3 x EC followed by 3 x Docetaxel every 3 weeks. Then I’ll be having a mastectomy and radiotherapy. This is for er+ Her2- node positive cancer.
I’ve no doubt it’ll be hell but I’m so glad to start treatment!
Hi @tori123,
I’m sure you will receive more responses soon - but we’re definitely wishing you all the best as you start your chemo journey. Remember that the forum is here for any questions, concerns, or rants you may have and our nurses are only ever a phone call away on 0808 800 6000.
Sending all our love,
Thank you @tori123 for posting first!
I’m starting on the 1st, 6 x Docetaxel, Carbo and Phesgo 3 weekly, lumpeptomy, Radiotherapy, Phesgo for a further 12 weeks then hormone therapy (im undecided on this as yet) so the whole works…the treatment feels scarier than the diagnosis! I’m Her2+ ER+…suddenly there is this whole new language!
I had my appointment yesterday to have picc line put in but I’ve been freaking out about it…so we decided to try a cannula on the day and see if I’m ok with that…hope i don’t regret that come Wednesday.
Well here we all go, ready or not
Hi Lilith, I thought I was going to be on my own for a while there!
It’s amazing the number of treatment variations there are now it gives me more hope that there are other options if one doesn’t suit. I’m the opposite to you, maybe naively, I’m desperate to start. I went for the pre assessment today and would have started there and then if I could have.
I was thinking about a picc line as I have very awkward veins but the nurses seemed confident they wouldn’t have an issue. I’ve seen lots of people say the thought of having it fitted was much worse than actually having it done if that helps.
I hope everything goes well fo you on Wednesday. I’ve got a weekend of getting organised and batch cooking ahead of me!
I’ve finally been brave enough to register and post on the forum but I’ve been reading posts since I was diagnosed in January. My chemo is starting on 3rd May and I’m really nervous about it. I keep switching between trying to get prepared and trying to ignore it.
I had a portacath fitted on Thursday so trying to get used to that. I was ER+ and HER2+ so I’m having 4 cycles of EC every 3 weeks to start followed by Paclitaxel for 12 weeks and Phesgo. It feels like it’s going to be a long slog.
I hope you both have a good weekend.
Hi @dragonk that does sound like a long old slog for you, have you had any surgery yet?
My plan of getting organised has so far only resulted in buying some head scarves for when my hair falls out and like you trying to ignore it all! I’m going to try cold capping but the bcns weren’t optimistic for my chances which is horrible as my toddler plays with my hair all the time
Good luck for next week, and you @lilith, please keep in touch x
Welcome @dragonk, interesting to see your having different chemo for same type of BC as me, gives me reassurance if I can’t tolerate Docetaxel. You’ve had quite a wait since Jan. I was diagnosed in March, in one way it’s all gone so fast and yet the wait to start Chemo has been agonising slow. I can feel the anxiety ramping up again in preparation for Wednesday.
@tori123 wish I’d read those messages about picc line before thursday, i might have gone ahead with it, but certainly helps for future. It did give me 1 day of blissful denial yesterday and a bit of control back, that we have some say in what happens to us.
I’m feeling quite prepared…I have stocked up on books, food cupboards and freezer are heaving, probably enough to last 6 months! On recommendation from others on the forum i have loads of frozen fruit to make smoothies. Also hard boiled sweets…every flavour going just in case. I got a Benefit microblading eyebrow pencil, which works really well. Soft toothbrush and floss…i normally use interdental brushes but think they may be too harsh. Also a new summer wardrobe retail therapy or gone into survival mode not sure which!
have i missed anything?
Scarves are next on my to do list. I’m not cold capping, my hair is so fine it has no chance.
Hope you both have a lovely weekend and best of luck for next week
I also start 2nd May and kick off with 3 x EC then 4 x docetaxel.
Don’t feel too nervous about it, yet. I was diagnosed at the beginning of March and just want to get started now.
Thinking I will try the fasting and will be shaving my head as soon as my hair starts falling out.
Good luck everyone, I hope it goes ok x
I’ve had two surgeries already, a lumpectomy with lymph node biopsy in February then auxiliary lymph node clearance as one of my lymph nodes was positive so that’s why it sounds like a long time since my diagnosis @lilith
I’m going to try cold capping too but have started to look at headwear as I’m not that optimistic. It must be so difficult going through this with a toddler, I’m hoping my teenagers will be able to fend for themselves in the kitchen if I’m feeling nauseous.
Hi all
I’m starting on the 9th of May
4x EC and 4x pactlitaxil every fortnight
I am ER+ her 2- and no node involvement,
My story is a little different doctors and radiographers where positive it was fatty tissue and it didn’t feel concerning none of the usual factors had a biopsy taken because in over 25 currently 32 and that’s what showed the cancer.
I’m wondering if any of you have found any nice headscarf’s and where you all are looking. Thats not Amazon or Etsy is there any shops I can physically go look at them
I’m currently in Scotland
Hope you are all doing okay in this chaos that is now life x
Hi. The absolute best of luck. I’m starting on the 9th too. Same as yours, 4xEC and 4xPax, ER+ HER2-. I’m nervous but at the same time just want to start and get it over with.
Me too. Is creeping in so fast I have my pre assessment on the 6th I think it will really hit me then. X
Hi. I hope you’re well and the best of luck to you. Can I ask about the hard boiled sweets? What do they do to help? And also the frozen fruit? Trying to gain as much info before I start on the 9th. 4xEC and 4xPax.
Hi everyone. I had my first chemo today and also a port inserted this morning (but joining the may group given that it’s so late in april). I had a lumpectomy and lymph node clearance in February for Er+ Her2- IDC and had 7 positive nodes. My plan is 3x EC and 3x Docetaxol (3 weekly), followed by 4 weeks radiotherapy, 2 years of abemaciclib and 10 years of hormone therapy. Nice to meet you all!
Morning all,
I’ve suddenly started to feel very nervous. I was diagnosed late January so it’s been a long wait, although I was put on Tamoxifen in March, it feels like chemo is the first big treatment and everything feels very real.
Also my little girl plays with my hair as a comforter and I’m worried how she’ll react when it starts to fall out. Sorry a bit of a mopey post first thing in the morning but I know people here understand the emotional roller coaster.
Hope you’re feeling ok today @gizmo after your first treatment?
Hi ladies. I was diagnosed in March with invasive ductal cancer and am pregnant. Recently had a mastectomy with lymph node clearance. I have an appointment this week with oncologist and they’re looking to start chemo within the next month. Feeling scared about losing my hair and the side effects. Also have a toddler and how it would affect her.
Wow, @rosa1, that is a lot to be going through and I bet you’ve had to make some tough decisions. How old is your toddler? Mine is 3, everyone keeps telling me how resilient children are but it’s hard not to worry. I’ve tried to prepare her but time will tell how successful I’ve been x
Hi @shahz4169 thank you and you too. People were recommending the sweets for sore mouth and bad taste…and the frozen fruit, to make smoothies, again to help sore mouth and because they had no appetite and struggling to eat. If i don’t eat them my son certainly will. Hope your getting to enjoy this gorgeous weather x
@tori123 I think it’s very normal to feel nervous in the run up, it was definitely anxiety proviking for me!
Im feeling ok thanks. A little bruised from the portacath insertion which was in the morning. I also definitely shouldn’t have eaten a full dinner after, but you live and learn hey! I’ve eaten little and often today and have felt pretty normal overall.
It looks like you’ll be on the same chemo programme as me. Have you had surgery yet?