May I join you???

I can totally recommend them ! Think I got mine through a betterware catalogue or one of those ones that gets delivered to the house,will have a look and see if got any info with it.

ahhh the Shewee - yip, I’ve got one too, my own plastic willy replacement!! handy for camping but you need to practice at home first as there is a knack to weeing standing up that us girlies just aren’t used to!!
Pauline - I’m on facebook - I’ll send you my surname and you can add me a s a friend if you like - and anyone else out there…blame my daughter for getting me into that one I must admit!! And great news re nec - I’d love a little camper but the trailer tent is brill and just flips open so ideal for me on my own or just with the kids…mary x

So this is the other side to you all! lol. Well I suppose it’d come in handy when stuck in the saddle for a while. :smiley:

Hi Pauline. Good to meet you. When do you start treatment? I’m almost half way through chemo, and can certify that I have never heard of, seen, or used a Shewee. Not to say I wouldn’t mind you. Life’s for the experience after all.

Hi everyone who have recently replied to me. I am feeling quite positive at the moment but a wee bit nervous. I go back to Burton tomorrow for the results of my second op (had more pre-cancer cells removed). Will find out what treatment I will be having but I fully expect to have to have chemo because my tumour was grade 3.

After my first op I had a nice neat little scar and just a small dent but because I had to be opened up again and more tissue taken away I have now got a really ugly saggy dent. I don;t know whether this is something I will have to put up with or if they can do something later. I know I shouldn’t moan but I will look a bit freeky in my swimsuit.

For all of you ladies that liked the story of my shewee, I got mine from the Outdoor show but I am sure there will be a web site, although I have not looked. If I find one or find the paper that came with mine I will pass the info on. I am glad that some others use theirs and yes it is really weird standing like a man but not too difficult - must admit when I tried it with my trousers up I did end up having to get changed - will have to have more practice ha ha.

Will let you know how I get on tomorrow.

Again thanks for all who reply to me, it would be difficult to reply in person to everyone but every message is very important.

Newly diagnosed, write every thought down on paper. Keep paper and pen handy and write EVERYHING down, good and bad, it really does help. I did this for a week and then started to feel ok about everything and did not
feel the need to write any more but when I look back at my notes I am suprised at my emotions in the early stages.
Ok I am going now before I bore you all silly.

Keep smiling, keep positive.
Love to you all
Pauline (mommyw)