Hi All
Am having lumpectomy and I node removal? (I know it has spread but couldn’t take it all in).
Just wondered if anyone else at the same stage and would like to start a thread to help each other along. I am in Bedfordshire and wondered if there are any other local ladies.
Hiya, I am getting mastectomy in may, lymph node removal… Followed by chemo and rads altho I have no date for this yet.
It would be great to keep in touch. Scary stuff ahead.
I’m in the Glasgow area.
Eleanor xx
Hi I am having a mastectomy with immediate reconstruction in May , no date yet. I’m in the Glasgow area too x
Hiya doodles 123,
I just came across a post you could be interested in. It’s a glasgow /Ayrshire group and they sometimes meet up.
Which recon did you opt for?? I had initially asked for diep… Didn’t have enough tummy fat… Not sure I agree lol then LD… but when I got biopsy back I’ve to get chemo and rads so that’s out for now so I was told best option is tissue saving implant.
I have a lovely plastic surgeon at the royal. Hope your doing okay… It’s a rubbish place to be.
Hi Elli
I just seen your post on another thread too, I am already on Facebook but haven’t met with the group yet though they all seem lovely. I’m having a TRAM flap as I did have enough jelly belly, no surprises there!
Yep it is pretty rubbish, I still don’t think it has all sunk in with me yet. I just want op over and to get on with treatment. I was diagnosed only 3 weeks ago but it feels like 3 months already. I’m hoping my surgery will be on 1st of May or the 8th (they operate on Tuesdays at RAH) I’m just waiting on a phone all.
Hope you’re doing as well as can be expected x
Hi Doodles123: I found out about my BC on Friday 13th and still have to decide what to do. I have stage 1, grade 2 Invasive Ductal Carcinoma on the right breast and a non cancerous lump on the left breast. My doc suggested that I take out the non cancerous lump on the left the same time I do the surgery for the BC on the right. He told me I have 3 options and I really cannot decide. Maybe all you ladies could help me out here.
Option 1: Lumpectomy on both breasts follow by radiation and MRI till I’m 40 (I’m 34 now) and then mammogram from thereafter.
Option 2: Mastectomy on the right breast with BC and lumpectomy on the left breast and MRI till I’m 40 and then mammogram from thereafter.
Option 3: Bilateral Mastectomy on both breast with immediate reconstruction.
I’m really not sure what I want to do. If I didn’t have a choice and the doc tells me I have to do this , then it’ll be more simple. Now I have to decide with or without my breasts? I don’t want to worrying about MRI and the fear of it coming back on a yearly basis. I’m very small 5’ 2" and 115lb with small breast (34B). Can you all tell me about the different options for immediate reconstruction of the breasts? Thanks ladies.
Hi Soyaandpepper
I am new to all this but I have to say I find it extraordinary that you have been given those three choices. Maybe some ladies with more experience would be in a better position to advise you? I had one tumour on right breast and until my MRI showed another tumour I was to have a lumpectomy followed by chemo and radiotherapy. Because the cancer is in 2 sites I have now to have a mx. Do you have a BCN to talk things through with? I may be wrong but it seems unusual for you to be given so many choices, surely the doctors know the best course of treatment for you? Im stumped. Sorry I couldn’t be of more help x
I was given 3 choices at my very first diagnosis… The cancer wasn’t confirmed yet but because I had 2 lumps it was mx. With very slim chance of requiring other therapies…
However… It turned out of the three results… I wasn’t suitable for one … ( the one I wanted ). After node biopsy confirmed spread… My second choice was put on hold and I am ending up with option 3… The one I least wanted. For now altho I can get different recon later.
I was quite frustrated at being offered these choices only to have each one disappear at the next consultancy…Weeks apart each time.
I hope you get the choice you feel is right for you… Bit I’ve found the goalposts move all the time.
Wish you lots of luck with it all, and hope you don’t end up with My frustrations. I can say however at this minute I am happy with final decision. Xx
hello ladies
I am now 2 years post diagnosis, and well and fit, looking forward to the rest of my life…
one thing that I have learned through this whole beastly scenario is that each step, be it a scan, mammo, biopsy, surgery and histology, opens up a new range of possibilities for the next step of treatment. That is extraordinarily difficult to cope with, because no-one can predict a precise treatment plan from diagnosis to finish of treatment - not the medics, not the patient. It really is a step at a time, so initially the medics will explain all the scenarios… oh it’s complicated! It’s not like appendicitis - we can cut this thing out, you’ll feel grim for a while and then you’ll be OK - it’s just not that predictable. So the medics outline the range of possibilities, and it’s only as we proceed through the treatment plan that the possibilities narrow down. Infuriating and exhausting because there is so much to think about constantly, and of course we are in a state of shock and distress…
I would suggest you talk to your breast nurse, maybe book a session for talking, and get all the info again with some statistics. EG I was offered the choice of mx or WLE plus radio, and it was explained that recovery statistically was the same but the process would be longer for WLE and radio. That is what I opted for so I could keep me boob, but it has taken longer overall.
hope this helps a bit
Hi All
Ellie yep going in for op on 8th May. Think they are taking all lymph nodes out (was trying to listen but brain kept shouting not listening). Have you got a date yet, must be hard having things changed especially when you thought no chemo at first.
Hope you ok
Hi Smudge
Sorry to hear of your diagnosis and the tough choices you have been given. I am in Herts, so not far away, although further down the line, having had an mx and now having chemo. If you are looking for local ladies, you might want to start another thread under the ‘in your area’ section. There are a few of us in herts / cambs who are hoping to meet up at some point, and you would be more than welcome to join us.
Do you have any dates for your surgery yet? As others have said, the goal posts do keep moving all the time and you might find the choices you haave been given are not what you end up with! Unfortunately, you are now in limbo land , which is awful, but until its confirmed exactly what your situation is, I dont really see that you can make an informed decision at the moment.
Sorry I am not of more help, but if you have any questions, feel free to ask, or you could pm (private message) me, I will be more than happy to hear from you.
All the best
Joan x
Hey Ladies (Not seen any gentlemen posting here yet),
I feel like a May lady myself, although I will be starting chemo in May, as opposed to diagnosis/surgery. I feel as though I am newly diagnosed, because it is only the last few days it has really sunk in. I had referral, biopsy and results in late Feb, mx & ANC in March, and will have first chemo on 1st May. Goodness knows if I will ever make it to rads!
As you can probably gather - I am only now realising the magnitude of this diagnosis, and that it is a life changing situation. I am in Herts if anyone else wants to get together to chat - Stevenage to be exact. PM me!
Hugs to all,
Hope you don’t mind me asking but how are you coping with chemo, apart from body scan later on to see if it’s spread this is the part am dreading most. Have you found it possible to work between the cycles.
Hope you doing ok xx
Hi All
Hope everyone feeling as ok as they can. Just wondering if it’s/i’m normal but since diagnosis I have been so tired!
Donna xx
Hiya smudge,
That could be stress, I’m sleeping for Britain lol.
I’m having a rubbish time the now, really down. My ops next week so mibee once it all gets under way I’ll get my fight back hope so anyway…
When was your initial diagnosis?? Mine was late Feb.
Eleanor. X
Sorry you’re having a rough time. I’m ok, I think, just feel like an old woman!!! Hope your op goes well, i’m a week after you 8th May, had pre-op assessment today. I was diagnosed on 18th April, went for first consultation on 4th April so all moving quick.
Really appreciate this forum and you lovely ladies and hope you find your fight again really soon, in the meantime have a hug x
Thanks smudge.
If I had went with the op I have ended up getting as a first choice I would have been 28th march.
Just seems to be taking ages maybe it’s getting a bit too real for me now.
Eleanor xx
Would have liked to have sent pm but website still not working properly and all contacts etc gone! If i’ve got it right you go for surgery tomorrow and just wanted to say thinking of you and sending love and best wishes for a speedy recovery
Donna (Smudge) xx