May radiotherapy starters

Hello everyone, thought I’d start a new thread for the May starters. 
I had a grade one invasive ductal carcinoma and a dcis removed in March and need 10 sessions of radio - 5 full breast and 5 targeted to cancer bed site. 
I started radio on the 4th May and had the second one on the 5th. I’m feeling pretty rotten as I had a uti start on the Wednesday which needed antibiotics. My body is dealing with that as well as radiation. 

I am fit and active but on Saturday I lost all energy, I’ve slept every afternoon and feel nauseous with no appetite. I’m guessing many of these symptoms are due to the uti as well. Never been this tired! 
I have my 3rd session later today  and so I’m just taking things easy and listening to my body for a change. Thank heaven for Netflix!

Hi Molly, I started on 27th Feb - so mostly May :slightly_smiling_face:

I had invasive lobular and had surgery in Feb with a long wait for oncotype results. I had a therapeutic mammoplasty. I’m half way through my 15 rads now (armpit, collar bone area, whole breast and tumour site). I found by the end of the first week I was so tired most of the time and I’ve suddenly dipped emotionally. I think it didn’t help having my schedule changed each time I went and I’m also finding seeing a different team each time a little challenging. I think that’s down to how I’m feeling generally. 
I’m so sorry you have a UTI on top of rads. I hope you recover soon x

Hi I started today so just made the may group, my boob feels heavy and the scaring area feels a bit sore, you must have finished now any tips?