Maybe I can cheer you up

I was diagnosed with Grade 3 Stage 3 HER2+ OES+ breast cancer in April 2008. My tumour was over 7cms and it had spread to my lymph nodes. I have 2 boys, aged 8 and 5 (at that point) and was absolutely devastated. However, I started neo-adjuvant chemotherapy (4 x FEC followed by 4 x docetaxel/herceptin). Almost all my chemos were deferred due to poor blood results and, in the end, the last 2 docetaxel chemos were cancelled as I was falling to bits. I had to inject myself each cycle with GCSF to stimulate white blood cell production, which led me to have agonising lower back and leg pain. In November I had my surgery - a lumpectomy and 19 lymph nodes removed. The results came back totally clear - not one cancerous cell found! Apart from some uncomfortable cording currently, I am getting much better, though still very tired. I have radiotherapy ahead in January and Herceptin every 3 weeks for the next year. Also started Tamoxifen last week - no scary side-effects yet. Anyone who reads this and is going through this hellish treatment, take heart. It does end, and it can end with complete success. There is a strong light at the end of the tunnel and it will all be worth it in the end. I even have hair (which everyone thinks is very trendy and trying to copy Victoria Beckham - if only they knew!)

good for you, those results sound really postive - hope you continue xx


Great news, very pleased to hear!

Rachel x

Glad you have come out the other side …well done xxxxxxxxxxxx


Its great to hear positive stories like these.Its give us all hope. Well done xxxx

Well done you, I am sure many of us will feel so much better reading this positive post.

Keep it up

Love Brendax

Baldybain - how generous of you to share your news. We need more stories like this, maybe a “positive stories” thread, it certainly gives people going through this surreal journey hope. May you have nothing but good news in 2009 and enjoy your children who will give you positive energy

love Judy

Hi Baldybain
What an inspiring post! Well done and long may it continue.
As a newbie on here, could I just ask maybe a silly question please?
You say your lymph nodes were affected, but your results came back totally clear post op.
Does this mean that your chemo destroyed the original cancer cells in you lymphs?

Love and strength to all
Sue x