What’s the title of the project?
Measuring social support
What is the project about?
We want to measure the social support of people who have long-term health conditions, including breast cancer. The survey will ask participants for their opinion on whether questions used to measure social support (e.g., ‘I have someone I can count on to listen to me when I need to talk’), reflect different kinds of support (emotional support/instrumental support/informational support/social companionship) and then how confident they feel in this judgement (0-100%). The survey should take around 30 minutes to complete in total. There are no right or wrong answers – we are just asking for people’s own opinions.
Who’s organising it?
Lisa Duncan, as part of an MSc Health Psychology student project, University of Aberdeen: l.duncan2.20@abdn.ac.uk
What’s the criteria for taking part?
You can take part if you are over 18 years old, an English speaker, and are currently diagnosed with a chronic or long-term health condition.
What do I need to do?
A link with more information and the survey is provided below:
When’s the deadline?
7 June 2021