medic alert bracelets for lymphodema/at risk of

I thought others with lymphodema might like to know about medic alert bracelets for people with lymphodema or at risk of lymphodema. Someone kindly posted on here before, quite a while ago now, and got a company to make us deep lilac colour silicone bracelets (they also have bright pink). Basically it points out we have missing lymph nodes and so no BP or needles on that arm.
I finally got around to buying one - they’re not expensive and it’s great! I don’t expect I’ll wear it all the time but I will be doing so on holiday. If anyone’s interested here is the web address:
Elinda x

Thanks Elinda
I think I will get one of those as the card my nurse gave me is never with me!!!
Just so others are aware it is (missed the e out lol)

Thanks Jill, you know I read through and still didn’t spot I’d missed the e! I’ve edited my first post and added in the e so people don’t get confused. Elinda x

These are good bands - and wear well too. I’ve worn one daily for a year and it is still looking good. Appropriate professionals have spotted and noted it.

Thanks for that link Elinda. I will certainly need one after my Mx and sentinal node biopsy. I have to have a blood test every month for another condition, and I have high BP so that needs to be checked regularly to make sure pills are working.

Thanks for the info great idea

I have 2 (for when I lose the first) and when I was in hospital in November, they were brilliant. I am not sure how well the anaesthetist would have responded if I had just told her about my missing nodes (before she put me under, obviously), but having the band on made it look “official” (even thought it only cost a few pounds on the internet) and she was very agreeable to do her best to only stick needles in my non-affected arm, even though the veins on my affected arm look so much more tempting.
We did agree that in case of emergency, she could do what she felt necessary (needles in arm, knock out the bridge on my teeth etc), but it all went smoothly after the inital challenge of getting a canula in.
The nurses all respected it too when taking my blood pressure.

I bought one just after ANC, and wear everyday. I wore when I went in for mx and my surgeon commented saying what a great idea…it’s just good to know that I’m doing something to protect myself.
I ordered online and it arrived within 2 days, so great service as well.