Meet up in Worcester?

Hi just wondered if there are any ladies in Worcester area with secondaries ? I am 47 had recurrance to breast, recently had bilateral mastectomy, and have lung met which responded well to taxol.
Currently going through ill health retirement process with NHS.


Hi Sarah

I am sorry that you havent had a reply as yet, but below is information about a service specifically for women with a diagnosis of secondary breast cancer which are delivered in different locations throughout the UK. 

Breast Cancer Care run a monthly meet up service called Living with Secondary Breast Cancer in Birmingham. As well as a confidential space to come along and meet up with other people with a secondary breast cancer diagnosis, its also an opportunity  to hear from expert speakers and gain information  on a variety of topics including Pain Management, Side Effects and Welfare and Benefits etc. All the sessions are very informal and you can attend as few or as many sessions as you like. Refreshments are provided, including lunch at longer day-time sessions when we have a speaker. All sessions are facilitated by a counsellor and questions and discussions are welcome.

The meetings in Birmingham are usually held on the first Monday of every month

If you would like to find out more about Living with Secondary Breast Cancer please contact the team on 0845 077 1893 or email them at

Best wishes


Forum Coordinator

Hi Sara

          I have just joined this forum and I live in Droitwich so not far from Worcester.

I was diagnosed in 2005 and liver mets found the following year but certain they were there on first diagnosis. I have had chemo and been on Herceptin for the past 7 years.

     I was referred to a surgeon at the Q.E. Birmingham at my request as my oncologist was very tunnel visioned!  I had a liver resection in 2012 and two microwave ablations over the past two years with good results.

     I am with a new oncologist at Worcester now who is recommending I have 6 monthly brain scans as brain mets quite common in patients who are doing well and stable!!  You cant win can you!!! 

      Would love to meet up with you and have a chat about things in common.

    Look forward to hearing from you…Anne

Hi Deeley and welcome to the BCC forums

In addition to the support here please feel free to call our helpliners for further practical and emotional support on 0808 800 6000, lines are open 9-5 weekdays and 10-2 Saturdays

Here’s a link to the BCC secondary Information and support which I hope you will find helpful:

Take care
Lucy BCC