Meeting up in London

Hi everyone

I’m not sure how to put messages up on the new site, so my apologies if this appears 20 times…

A group of us younger ones are planning to meet up in Greenwich (SE London) this coming Saturday 14th July. If anyone is interested in coming along for a chat then please let me know.

All the best

Nicola X

Hiya, yeah I’d been keen to come along… where abouts are you going to meet up??? Lizz x


Unfortunately I am at a wedding this weekend, but would love to come to the next meet up!!



Would’ve loved to come but am ill with a nasty cold at the moment :frowning:
I would defintely be up for the next one, how often do you meet?
I’d really like to meet other young women with bc in my area, the support group I go to at Guys is good, but the women are so much older than me.

Rashpal x