Well ladies …feel free to post your photos here …can be anything you want … ( well within reason)
Enjoy xxxx
Hi Carolyn,
I tried to post the first photo my my photos but my photos currently are too high a resolution to post…i will adjust them and then try again
As promised I will start this off with my favourite photo of my youngest daughter taken 2 years ago…It makes me smile x
Oh what a gorgeous photo . I will upload something tomorrow from my laptop.
What a beautiful photo your daughter is gorgeous x x
How do you post photos? X x
Hi Jultzd,
to add a photo. if you click on REPLY ( not quick reply) the big square text box will come up with the tool bar across the top.
in the middle of the toolbar is a little picture that looks like a mountain. if you then click on that it will open another window where you can upload your photos.
Hope this helps
Karen x
Thanks Karen il think I need to go on lap top nothing shows up on phone x x
Here is a photo from last week of my sons and hubby at nephews wedding.
I was sat down behind them as I drank my cocktail a bit quick … oops . xxxx
Heres me …
Come on Jeanette and everyone …don’t b shy. I look like an old bag lady now as I can’t high lite my hair at moment due to hair thinning on leyrozole so if i can post …so can u.
Welcome everybody …lots of newbies this week on private forum.
That’s at a family in 2014 at a family wedding.
Janette xxxx
Lovely photo Jeanette and you are exactly what I expected you to look like !!
Hugs xx
Lovely photos il try and put one on does it work from your phone ? X x
It mustn’t work from phone cause there is no tool bar x x
I hate photos of me, but as the rest of you are posting I thought I would be brave.
This is me and my hubby at my daughters wedding last July x
Yeah nice to meet you too it is nice to have an image of who your talking to x x
Lovely photos Karen and jultz …
At least we have faces to put to names.
Doesn’t your son look like you jultz ?
Hugs xx
Hi carolyn people say he does its nice to see people’s photos it was a good idea x x