Menopause without HRT

Help. Going into menopause, not allowed HRT, any suggestions for alternatives?


HRT isn’t a blanket necessity for the menopause; loads of folk don’t have it.
I never had it - thanks to a lifetime of endometriosis and a history of breast lumps, my GP wouldn’t entertain the thought.

When the hot flushes/night sweats got too much to bear - like having to sleep between two bath towels to keep the sheets dry, my GP prescribed some tablets - vasodilators.
I though that those would make the problem worse, as vasodilation makes one flushed and reddens the surface skin. They were miraculously good, and after a short course - about 6 weeks, I think, I weaned off them and the HF and NS were never so bad after that.

There are loads of short-term remedies available from the GP; just ask. If the GP isn’t sympathetic, change to another one.

Good luck.

Just remembered. beware of Black Cohosh as an HRT substitute.

I also get reports from the MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency who issue medical device alerts in the UK) at work and they warned against it as it caused liver damage in a number of people, at least one of whom needed a liver transplant.

“Herbal” remedies aren’t harmless plants; some of them are more powerful than prescription medicines and should all be treated with extreme caution.

Hi Curlylol

I am posting a link to the BCC publication ‘Menopasual symptoms and breast cancer’ which you may find useful:*/changeTemplate/PublicationDisplay/publicationId/17/

Take care

I had to stop taking HRT when I was diagnosed with ER+ 7/8 BC. GP prescribed Dixarit (which is for high blood pressure but also can help with flushes) and this has worked well for me. They do not stop the chemo flushes and sweats I experience the first few days after treatment but once this subsides the “normal” flushes are few and far between. For me there is a major difference between a chemo flush and a hot flush.

DaisyGirl xx

depending on your symptoms you may find different things helpful… not everybody has symptoms and not everybody has symptoms they would feel are bad enough to require treatment.

also not all HRT is forbidden… sometimes it just need tailored to your needs and with many low dose preparations and topical preps some oncs are willing to try them.

isoflavins are found to be beneficial and no evidence to suggest they are detrimental, red clover is helpful. for vaginal symptoms things like sylk and replense can help… there are also natural preps which might give longer term benefits such as yam cream.

very low dose treatment such as vagifem can often help with vaginal and bladder symptoms although some oncs still wont prescribe them even though they are in 25 and 10 microgram doses which is a tiny amount in comparision to what you body produces naturally… but it can be very effective and you do need to weigh up the effects yopu are having and quality of life with a prep compared to QOL without it and the risk of cancer.


Hi, my onc says Red Clover interferes with tamoxifen and both Black Cohosh & Red Clover are not suitable in ER + breast cancer. I wish there wasn’t so much conflicting advice from the medics out there! I have been given Clonedine and Amitriptyline. They are ok to take alongside tamoxifen. X

I’ve taken Evening Primrose Oil and not had Ses from tamoxifen but don’t know if that’s just chance… x

Hi Tina

there is no evidence to support red clover interfering with tamoxifen… hadnt heard of that one before but it had been clained it increased risk of BC due to phytooestrogens but this has been disputed… there isnt any evidence to support that… however black cohosh is contraindicated in women with BC, but not because it interferes with tamox as far as im aware.

So confusing, also states that Red Clover is a no for Breast Cancer Patients.

“Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) interacts with RED CLOVER
Some types of cancer are affected by hormones in the body. Estrogen-sensitive cancers are cancers that are affected by estrogen levels in the body. Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) is used to help treat and prevent these types of cancer. Red clover seems to also affect estrogen levels in the body. By affecting estrogen in the body, red clover might decrease the effectiveness of tamoxifen (Nolvadex). Do not take red clover if you are taking tamoxifen (Nolvadex).”

This below is from the NICE guidelines, BCC quotes these in their booklets, too. Who is one to believe, I wonder??
Recommendations from NICE:

• Soy (isoflavone), red clover, black cohosh, vitamin E and magnetic devices are not recommended for the treatment of menopausal symptoms in women with breast cancer.
Qualifying statement: The evidence on the effectiveness of these interventions is limited and conflicting and there was GDG consensus that it does not support their widespread use.

I wish it was all a little bit more straightforward!! Thank you, Lulu. xx