Mens Forum/Weekend

Mens Forum/Weekend

Mens Forum/Weekend Here is one to think about - BCC run forums or away weekends for most groups - what about men?

How many would be interested in a get together one weekend?
It maybe that some men have never met another man who has had BC - I remember when I first met another man who had gone through this - so many questions not enough time.

Come on BCC - at least think about it.

David W

Mens Forum Weekend Hi David,

Will pass your comments on to the necessary people.

Kind regards
BCC Host

Meeting Hi David

I think there might be merit in pushing for such a thing. It would have to have some purpose though, for me to attend, not just to meet other men with breast cancer. Perhaps BCC could devise an angenda for such a meeting?

Take care


Two-penneth worth This is my first visit to the website for a while since going into hospital and I must say that it has been interesting reading what has NOT been happening in my absence, it seems that the Mens forum is getting pretty under utilised and I agree with David & Bill that we should be making a conscious effort to try and formulate a seminar for the blokes. My only concern is how many would need to overcome the stigma to participate?


Forum/Weekend Hi David

It’s certainly something for BCC to think about and I for one would be interested.
I agree that it would have to have some purpose as well as meeting other Men who have had Breast Cancer. Maybe BCC could get all our ideas and experiences and use them to help raise awareness.

Kind regards,
