mental Health

mental Health

mental Health I finding my mental state more of a problem now i’ve finished treatment and nearly finished recostruction, get really tired suddenly and done for the day

Post everything is a known sag time. Baby yourself along with treats, self indulgence, plenty of rest and a good fresh food diet until you surface- better still continue above treatment after you feel back to normal! Best wishes, dilly

Hi I coped pretty well during treatment as I could always focus on the next appointment., but when it finished and the safety net of constant medical attention was taken away, the trauma really hit home. I realised that I needed help and the hospital arranged for me to have some counselling sessions with a clinical psychologist. They really helped lift me out of anxiety and depression and I would recommend counselling to anyone - but I have to say I still get tired more easily than I used to!

Mental Health Thanks. Having councilling but seem always to be level when I have my sessions. Your right. a lot of people I’ve spoken to say the same thing about after treatment. I find the fatigue the biggest problem. Decided I could’nt play field hockey this year but was fine during most of the treatment.